svētdiena, 2013. gada 15. decembris

Mayan Inter-dimensional Star Map

By Gaia Earth Star
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Mercury, Planet of Communication at 13 degree Sagittarius on Friday the 13th in 2013! The Sabian Symbol for Mercury at 13 degree Sagittarius is: A Young Widow is surprised into a n...ew birth of Love. What does this mean? I was asked today if this day was a sign of good or bad luck. The number 13 is a frequency of MAGIC! It is a portal to the highest frequencies held in the black hole of our galaxy. Those frequencies are assisting us to remember that we are LOVE. That we are Source experiencing itself through infinite facets of its Diamond Heart. Now, you can understand why the matrix has wanted people to fear this day in order to prevent them from tuning in its powerful vibration and remembering our true ancient origins, that we come from the Stars! The Pleiadians revealed in a channeled meditation I assisted in July 2013 that we have 13 chakras which corresponds to the 13 energy portals of our astrological chart including the South and North Node of the Moon. Are you getting the power of 13? I hope you are dear Ones. As you know, using Fear (False appearance appearing real) is the easiest way to keep a controlling hand on human beings, holding them into a lower vibrational frequency.

I invite you on this day to sit in meditation for couple minutes and tune into the magical frequency of the number 13. Ask your higher Self to activate your remembrance as you tune into your 13th chakras grid and allow yourself to be surrounded by an Aura of Golden Light. Mercury alignment of today is supporting you in making this connection to your own Spirituality. Communicate with your Higher Self and watch the magic! Use the power of your imagination and trust that what is being revealed to you is true, your Truth. The Moon is now at 13 degree Taurus, assisting us to align our emotional body with that spiritual truth and remembrance and grounding it into our physical reality as well as becoming comfortable with what is being revealed to us by our Spirit. What a lucky day!
We are at a time on Planet Earth where we are given tremendous assistance to tap into our own knowing, our intuition; hearing the voice of our Soul and trusting the guidance of our Spirit. Do yourself this favor today and enjoy this light transmission.

You can also visit my meditation page here:!/photo.php?fbid=600427873325771&set=a.188596414508921.35001.188589304509632&type=1&theater

Gaia Earth Star