pirmdiena, 2014. gada 28. jūlijs
Dvīņu liesmas attiecības var izpausties vienīgi tad
A twin flame relationship can only manifest when we make the commitment to self-love as the purpose of this reunion is to serve humanity thus both must vibrate at a certain frequency of Love to unite as One enabling them to serve their higher purpose together.
Dvīņu liesmas (divu cilvēku) attiecības var izpausties vienīgi tad, kad apņemamies mīlēt sevi, jo šīs (divu cilvēku) atkalapvienošanās mērķis ir kalpot cilvēcei. Tādējādi abiem ir jāvibrē noteiktā mīlestības frekvencē, lai kļūtu par vienu veselu un kopīgi kalpotu savam augstākajam mērķim.
Pilns teksts:
Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, July 23rd 2014
Moon enters Cancer July 23rd
Today, not many aspects in the sky though the Moon still in Gemini for most of the day will keep us busy in the realm of relationships and business, chatting, communicating, brainstorming as it will trine Mars in Libra (5:53pm PST). Mars is at the last degree of Libra and this talks about wrapping up things, getting things straight, knowing where we stand before Mars will enter the deep transformative and intimate waters of Scorpio in couple days.
Do you want to take that relationship to the next step or feel you have completed your contract?
The Moon in Gemini is a very favorable aspect to see both sides of a story enabling us to find resolution or let go with harmony, forgiveness and peace. Keep the communication going my Dear Ones and get your mind clear on your intentions. This will assist the manifestation of what you truly desire. Remember, we live in accelerated times and our minds are speeding up as well.
Having some sort of practice to balance and channel that mind energy into creative and constructive ways is key.
The nervous system needs to adapt to the new light crystalline frequencies our Galactic Sun is beaming onto Earth.
Otherwise you can come to a point of burn out and breakdown. The gong is a very powerful tool channeling source energy which is to me the Master Tool. Why? Because no one can resist the sound of the gong! Experience it for yourself my Dear Ones (Check out the link below for details).
The Moon shifting in Cancer (7:59pm PST) will reinforce this energy of nurturing and caring for our body, mind and soul. Work is not everything. Taking the time to nurture ourselves is crucial. Do not let the inner child within you starve, feed it! Tapping into our feelings to see where we are at and where we are called to bring more self-love.
The Sun has now entered Leo, joining Jupiter there, a beautiful time to fall in Self-love. Trust me that is the highest contribution you can gift Planet Earth. This is the key to manifesting your twin flame my Dear Ones.
A twin flame relationship can only manifest when we make the commitment to self-love as the purpose of this reunion is to serve humanity thus both must vibrate at a certain frequency of Love to unite as One enabling them to serve their higher purpose together.
There is a sense of purpose and urgency to serve. Until we are ready, we continue to bring karmic relationships until we can see beyond the illusion of separation, of the other needing to change. Nothing wrong with karmic relationships, they assist us in the process of reuniting with our Twin Flame. Remember, all is Love.
Usually in karmic relationships, we work out the unbalance of our emotional body. When we feel emotionally needy, it is a call from our Soul to give oneself a hug and nurture that inner child within us. It does not mean you cannot have emotional support from others but usually it becomes some sort of addiction, like we cannot function without it, which is a characteristic of a karmic/soulmate relationship. When we allow ourselves to be emotionally vulnerable but remain in our core center of unconditional and self-love we truly become One.
We come into equilibrium of Divine Feminine and Masculine, thus activating the manifestation of our Twin Flame. The Golden Age is the Age of Twin Flame! I will talk longer about that in a future video, there is so much to cover on this subject. Please join "Gaia Earth Star One Love Stargate", which will be activated on July 26th, where I will share more inspirational writings, videos and much more. Remembering we are ONE.
"Crystalline Gaia Gong Meditation":http://gaiaearthstar.com/gaiaearthstar/product/crystalline-gaia-gong-meditation-the-easiest-meditation/
Mother Earth Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guidewww.gaiaearthstar.com