Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.
If you have not yet done so, call upon your Bodysoul to evaluate
your Heart Source.
your Heart Source.
Ja vēl neesi to izdarījis, tad paaicini Dvēseli, lai novērtētu savu Sirds Avotu.
Now strengthen your Heart Hologram by "Om-ing" into it three times.
Tagad spēcini savu Sirds Hologrammu, trīs reizes ie-OM-ojot.
If you wish, you may at the same time, connect heart to heart with
three people and strengthen their Heart Hologram as you strengthen
three people and strengthen their Heart Hologram as you strengthen
Ja vēlies, vienlaicīgi vari izveidot sirds-sirds savienojumus ar trīs cilvēkiem, tādejādi stiprinot arī viņu Sirds Hologrammas.
I will repeat the above instructions for the next few weeks so this
positive habit is fully imprinted within you.
positive habit is fully imprinted within you.
Es turpināšu atgādināt šo norādījumu arī nākamo nodarbību laikā, lai šis pozitīvais tevī pilnīgāk iedzīvotos.
You have daily activities you do without thought ... bathing,
dressing, brushing your teeth, your morning and evening routine.
dressing, brushing your teeth, your morning and evening routine.
Ir dažādas ikdienas nodarbības, kuras tu veic, pie tām nepiedomājot ... mazgāšanās, ģērbšanās, zobu tīrīšana, tavas ikrīta un ikvakara rutīnas.
Your personal routine assists you in doing what is necessary
without having to make new decisions each moment of your life.
without having to make new decisions each moment of your life.
Tava personīgā rutīna ļauj tev darīt nepieciešamās lietas, "neapgrūtinot" ik reizi tevi ar lēmumu pieņemšanas procedūru.
This can be positive for your life as well as inhibiting of your
consciousness and growth.
consciousness and growth.
No vienas puses šāda lietu kārtība var būt laba, no otras puses – tā var ierobežot tavu apziņu un kavēt attīstību.
Imprinting the need to do the action is a positive. I now suggest
that you do the action, however small or routine it is, with
that you do the action, however small or routine it is, with
Iedzīvinot sevī nepieciešamību veikt kādu noteiktu darbību, ir laba lieta. Tagad pamēģini veikt kādu darbību, lai cik nenozīmīga vai rutinēta tā būtu, ar apziņu.
Brush your teeth and notice how the tooth brush feels across your
teeth, how your mouth feels. Enjoy the chewing and flavor of your
teeth, how your mouth feels. Enjoy the chewing and flavor of your
Pucē zobus un pievērs uzmanību tam, kā jūtas zobu birste, kā jūtas tava mute. Izbaudi barības košļāšanas procesu un barības garšu.
Being conscious while doing your routine actions, prevents you from
having extraneous thoughts that are not supportive.
having extraneous thoughts that are not supportive.
Apzināti (klātesot apziņai) veicot rutīnas darbības, tu tiec pasargāts no svešas izcelsmes domu domāšanas, kuras tev nedod nekādu labumu.
When you find yourself being negative about yourself or others,
return to an awareness of your actions. If you are waiting in line
and have no other action to attend to, transmit to those around you
the Heart Hologram or strengthen your own.
return to an awareness of your actions. If you are waiting in line
and have no other action to attend to, transmit to those around you
the Heart Hologram or strengthen your own.
Ikreiz, kad sajūti sevi domājam negatīvi par sevi vai citiem, pievērsies tajā brīdī darāmās darbības apzināšanai. Kad stāvi rindā, kad neko citu darīt nevari, sūti apkārt stāvošajiem Sirds Hologrammu vai arī spēcini savējo.
If you enjoy watching television, spend part of that time
transmitting and strengthening the Heart Hologram of the actors and
personalities in the shows.
transmitting and strengthening the Heart Hologram of the actors and
personalities in the shows.
Ja tev patīk skatīties TV, atlicini daļu no šī laika, lai sūtītu Sirds Hologrammu aktieriem vai citiem ekrāna cilvēkiem un spēcini to.
Yes, you can do spiritual work while living life. When done
consciously, all life is spiritual.
consciously, all life is spiritual.
Tā tas ir, - tu vari darīt garīgu darbu, dzīvojot ikdienas dzīvi. Ja tas tiek darīts ar apziņu, tad visa dzīve top garīga.
Until tomorrow...Līdz nākamajai nodarbībai...
Received through:Saņemts caur Ketī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman
Received through:Saņemts caur Ketī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman