otrdiena, 2014. gada 7. oktobris

Week of October 6

Gaia Earth Star‘s Weekly Planetary Dance: Week of October 6

We start the week with the Moon Goddess in the boundless and compassionate waters of Pisces, assisting us to surrender and let go of what no longer serves our soul purpose. As we allow a space of silence, contemplation and meditation, we can feel in our hearts that we are part of something bigger, and that somehow no matter how chaotic things can look or feel, we are OK. We are safe. Stay with that feeling, my Dear Ones, this is your soul's unconditional love.

As we approach the liberating Uranian Full Moon lunar eclipse in Aries on Wednesday (3:51am PST), cultivate this place of silence within and hear the unconditionally loving and reassuring voice of your soul, guiding you to the next level of your evolution in those times of ascension. You have not been condemn to human life, you have chosen to incarnate to awaken to the remembrance that we are one, that you are source experiencing itself in a human form. You have chosen to play this duality game. Ultimately, we are all going home and no soul is left behind, none! Aries energy is about our selfhood, the I AM presence. You have come here to be a unique facet of the diamond heart of source, of the Cosmic Mother. Be YOU! I suggest practicing the Pleiadian Diamond Heart Stargate guided meditation channeled in Sedona, at the time of the Eclipse or at least the day before (available at www.gaiaearthstar.com).

The Sun in Libra coming to an opposition to Uranus in Aries on Tuesday (1:58pm PST) will be a potent moment of awakening to your true self. It will feel like lightning. You will just know exactly what you need to do! Trust that impulse, do not judge it with your logical mind and act on it, my Dear Ones, as you are being divinely guided. This energy will also remind you there is no need to compromise who you truly are to please another. Love sets you free to be you, remember that. Uranus and its feeling of freedom will also remind us that true freedom resides within. If you feel confined within relationship, afraid of commitment, ponder upon the way you relate to your freedom. Having the choice to do whatever you want is not freedom it is selfishness. Within a relationship, there is a new sense of freedom that can emerge when rooted in love. This is the art and beauty of relationships. We have come here to share, not to be loners. Find your sense of freedom within limitations.

Nelson Mandela was a powerful expression of this dynamic. We are relearning how to be in relationships, my Dear Ones, and it first starts with the relationship you have with yourself, with your soul. We must start relating to our soul and the soul of the other. This is the invitation of the Golden Age: soul love. This is why the Golden Age is the Age of Twin Souls also called Twin Flames, as they relate to each other's soul as one, as they are one soul! Two bodies, one soul. Aristotle's definition of love was the same in ancient Greece: "Love is composed of one Soul inhabiting two bodies." This is the experience awaiting us if we are willing to truly awaken to thy soul.

The cosmic clock is dancing and it is empowering us to break free from the illusion of separation and conformity. There is no such thing as fitting into a mold, my Dear Ones, no such thing as conforming in the Aquarian Age! There is no one to fight against only your own shadow. Do not let yourself be fooled by your ego-mind-prison. If you want to experience peace, cultivate it within, if you want to experience love, feel the love that you are within every cell and molecule of your being. The 3-D illusion is losing its power, my Dear Ones, as more souls are awakening. We are ascending. Keep the focus on yourself and stay away from the fear vibration. Do not interlock with any conflicts. Remain within your own center.

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is reminding us we must dream, imagine and co-create the world we wish to live in. Seed your own unique Utopia on this eclipse. Literally, I invite you to plant heart seeds in the Earth anchoring them into the heart of Mother Earth; create your own unique sacred ritual, my Dear Ones. Use the power of your own magic. Imagination is one of our greatest power. Use it to fulfill the promises you made with your soul rather than to fulfill your fears! Believe in yourself my Dear Ones. Mercury will be retrograde in Scorpio at the time of the eclipse, inviting us to become aware of our shadow and how we unconsciously can sabotage ourselves. Keeping ourselves away from what our soul truly desires. It always comes down to loving oneself unconditionally thus releasing all the layers of past conditioning, traumas and dramas, rising beyond the duality to dwell into our core essence, our authentic eternal self where peace and tranquility resides. It is the path of empowerment and self-mastery which many before us have walked, my Dear Ones, and which we very likely have walked before as well.

The square from Venus, the Goddess of Love, to Pluto in Capricorn (10:33am PST) will challenge us to release control over the other. This was the way of relating in the Dark Age. Allowing and accepting is what we are invited to practice as the Goddess, Mother Earth, reminds us. When one applies control it underlines deep rooted fear of insecurity. We must ground within the heart of Mother Earth, finding true inner security within our own love and trust in life. Knowing that we are supported always. We are not alone! It is key to connect with Mother Earth as she will balance and ground you if you allow yourself to surrender to her unconditional love. She will activate your soul memory. Tone with her. Spend time with her, let her nurture and guide you. Mother Earth has a voice as well as the stars! Connect to your star families: Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, they are many... Look up to them, my Dear Ones, and receive, they have much to share with you...

The trine from Mars in Sagittarius to Jupiter in Leo (1:43pm PST) will grow our Faith in our "own basic goodness" as Chogyam Trungpa use to say and invite us to pray from our cosmic human heart. Trust that your prayer is being answered my Dear Ones. We must cultivate the space of prayer within ourselves and I want to invite you to pray to your Soul, your Higher Self, your multi-dimensional selves, to your basic goodness. Feel the empowerment that comes with it. Become the prayer! All is within...you are the miracle!

The Sun in Libra will sextile Jupiter in Leo (4:17pm PST) as Mercury re-enters Libra (10:26am PST) on Friday. There is an opening to truly communicate from the heart and possibly finding a new equilibrium in relationships which will support each other's soul growth. We are here to love and experience our own power of love, my Dear Ones, this is our essence. This eclipse does not necessarily ask of you to let go of something or someone, rather to let go of an outdated way of relating which was based on fear, on separation rather than love and unity. It is all within. When you make the shift within, you start to relate to what is outside of you, in this world of separation, in a different way which can reignite the true flame of unconditional love, which in truth is always burning within your heart. You just awaken to thy knowing.

Those who can dwell in the power of love, will strengthen their union powerfully at this time and become Lighthouses for the world. Again, it will have to be reciprocal, my Dear Ones. That is the requirement in partnerships. Trust that if someone or something is removed from your life, it is all in divine order and release it within the eternal flame of unconditional love. A mantra I like saying is: "All is forgiven, all is set free to the burning flame of unconditional love". Create your own or use this one, as you like. When our soul contract with another is completed, we must learn to release them. There is no one to blame. In the Golden Age, there is no blame, as we remember the other is us. We are One. Tune into your soul's wisdom and share soul love no matter the circumstances.

Venus, the Goddess of Love, will come into opposition with Uranus in Aries (2:10am PST) on Saturday, grounding the energy of our new way of relating to oneself and the other. Embrace the newness in you, my Dear Ones, we are very much like newborns at this time and from this place of vulnerability we can co-create a safe and magical heaven on Planet Earth for all. You have unique gifts and talents and you have come on Planet Earth to bless us all with them. Dwell in the knowingness that you are safe and all is supporting you to align with your soul purpose. Feel it in your heart and let your Soul guide your way on.

Uranus rules astrology and rules the stars, my Dear Ones, and tuning into your soul ancient wisdom and astrological chart, which is the mission statement you have chosen before incarnating in this human body-temple, will be empowering and healing on all levels. Feel if you are ready to receive this soul transmission.

Soul Astrology is an ancient goddess healing art & science, which is now resurfacing within our consciousness to assist us in our individual and collective ascension. It is my blessing to serve you as you choose to remember those deep promises you have made with your Soul, channeling from the heart of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Mother, the vibration of unconditional love. We came here to serve and love each other...and the journey starts within my Dear Ones...are you ready?
