Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.
If you have not yet done so, call upon your Bodysoul to evaluate
your Heart Source.
your Heart Source.
Ja vēl neesi to izdarījis, tad paaicini Dvēseli, lai novērtētu savu Sirds Avotu.
Now strengthen your Heart Hologram by "Om-ing" into it three times.
If you wish, you may at the same time, connect heart to heart with
three people and strengthen their Heart Hologram as you strengthen
If you wish, you may at the same time, connect heart to heart with
three people and strengthen their Heart Hologram as you strengthen
Tagad spēcini savu Sirds Hologrammu, to trīs reizes ie-OM-ojot. Ja vēlies, vienlaicīgi vari izveidot sirds-sirds savienojumus ar trīs cilvēkiem, tādejādi stiprinot arī viņu Sirds Hologrammas.
As you inhale, feel, see, sense light coming into you. Do this
several times.
several times.
Ieelpojot sajūti, saskatīti un izjūti sevī ienākošo gaismu. Atkārto to vairākas reizes.
Focus on your Heart Center while in your Heart Source.
Koncentrējies uz Sirds Centru, atrazdamies Sirds Avotā.
Spin the front and back of your third eye for about one minute.
Apmēram minūtes laikā iegriez Trešās Acs priekšējo daļu un aizmugurējo daļu
Repeat this exercise several times today noticing how you feel before,
during and after the experience.
during and after the experience.
Šodien atkārto šo vingrinājumu vairākas reizes un pavēro savas izjūtas pirms un pēc.
Until tomorrow...Līdz nākamajai nodarbībai...
Received through:Saņemts caur Ketī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman
Received through:Saņemts caur Ketī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman