Dear One, I am Amma, the Divine Mother and I am your Mother.
Mīļais, es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte un es esmu tava Māte.
If you have not yet done so, call upon your Bodysoul to evaluate
your Heart Source.
your Heart Source.
Ja vēl neesi to izdarījis, tad paaicini Dvēseli, lai novērtētu savu Sirds Avotu.
Now strengthen your Heart Hologram by "Om-ing" into it three times.
If you wish, you may at the same time, connect heart to heart with
three people and strengthen their Heart Hologram as you strengthen
If you wish, you may at the same time, connect heart to heart with
three people and strengthen their Heart Hologram as you strengthen
Tagad spēcini savu Sirds Hologrammu, trīs reizes ie-OM-ojot. Ja vēlies, vienlaicīgi vari izveidot sirds-sirds savienojumus ar trīs cilvēkiem, tādejādi stiprinot arī viņu Sirds Hologrammas.
There is much information in these messages. The more you use what
is here, the greater will be the activation of the potentials
within you.
is here, the greater will be the activation of the potentials
within you.
Manos sūtījumos ir liels daudzums informācijas. Jo vairāk tu šo informāciju izmantosi, jo pārliecinošāk aktivizēsies tevī mītošās iespējas un potenciāli.
If a particular message gives you an idea of a way to use the
information, I urge you to do so.
information, I urge you to do so.
Ja kāds no vēstījumiem tev šķiet īpašs, kas tev atklāj veidu, kā tajā saturošo informāciju pielietot, tad es tevi rosinu tai tēmai pievērsties īpaši.
When you have expanded what is in the messages, and have discovered
something new, please share it. Send an accounting of the
experience to this one. She will share it with others as needed.
something new, please share it. Send an accounting of the
experience to this one. She will share it with others as needed.
Ja tu esi guvis jaunas atziņas vai atklājis īpašu pielietojumu vēstījumos dotajai informācijai, lūdzu padalies ar citiem. Tu vari sūtīt savas idejas Ketijai (Mārai, Uldim), un viņa tās nodos tālāk.
Some time ago, I mentioned that all parts of the Heart Source could
be addressed individually.
be addressed individually.
Kādu laiciņu atpakaļ es minēju, ka ar katru Sirds Avota atsevišķo sastāvdaļu ir jāstrādā atsevišķi/individuāli.
For the next few days, we will explore what happens in the brain as
you work with the energies of the Third Eye as it is part of the
Heart Source.
you work with the energies of the Third Eye as it is part of the
Heart Source.
Nākamajās nodarbībās mēs pētīsim to, kādi procesi norisinās smadzenēs, kad tu strādā ar to Sirds Avota sastāvdaļu, ko dēvējam par Trešo Aci.
As you know, you can work with each chakra. Depending upon the
chakra you are working with, different issues are addressed.
chakra you are working with, different issues are addressed.
Kā jau noskaidrojām, tu vari strādāt ar katru atsevišķo čakru. Darbojoties ar to vai citu čakru, tiek risinātas tās vai citas ar konkrēto čakru saistītās problēmas/tēmas.
You will work with the Third Eye, but not as an individual chakra.
There is a different energy to the Third Eye when it is part of an
activated Heart Source.
There is a different energy to the Third Eye when it is part of an
activated Heart Source.
Tagad sāksim strādāt ar Trešo Aci. Taču šis darbs atšķirsies no tā, kā mēs darbojāmies ar čakrām. Trešajai Acij piemīt īpaša, atšķirīga enerģija, kad tā ir aktivizēta Sirds Avota sastāvdaļa.
Focus on your Heart Source.
Koncentrējies uz savu Sirds Avotu.
Breathe deeply.
Elpo dziļi.
As you breathe, see, feel, sense energy coming into you from above
and from below. The two energies will come together at the heart
and from below. The two energies will come together at the heart
Elpojot pavēro, sajūti, izjūti no augšas un no apakšas tevī ienākošo enerģiju. Abas enerģijas sastopas sirds centrā.
Each time you breathe with the intent of bringing energy from above
and below, you strengthen your Heart Source.
and below, you strengthen your Heart Source.
Ikreiz, kad tu elpo ar nolūku "ienest" sevī enerģiju no augšas un apakšas, tu spēcini savu Sirds Avotu.
As the Heart Source strengthens, dormant energy structures within
you are activated.
you are activated.
Spēcinoties Sirds Avotam, tevī dusošās enerģētiskās struktūras tiek aktivizētas.
As you breathe, gently bring the energy up to the Third Eye.
Elpojot, maigi pacel ienākušo enerģiju līdz Trešajai Acij.
Now, as you inhale, see, sense or feel the energy coming into the
front and back of Third Eye.
front and back of Third Eye.
Tagad ieelpojot sajūti enerģiju ienākam Trešās Acs priekšpusē un aizmugurējā daļā.
As you exhale, feel the energy leave you.
Izelpojot, sajūti enerģiju izejam no tevis.
Continue breathing in this way while focusing on the Third Eye. Do
this for a few minutes or as long as you feel motivated.
this for a few minutes or as long as you feel motivated.
Turpini šādi elpot, koncentrējoties uz Trešo Aci. Vari to darīt dažas minūtes vai arī tik ilgi, kamēr jūti motivāciju.
Until tomorrow...Līdz nākamajai nodarbībai...
Received through:Saņemts caur Ketī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman
Received through:Saņemts caur Ketī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman