otrdiena, 2014. gada 9. septembris

Gaia Earth Star's Weekly Planetary Dance: Week of September 8

My Dear Ones, I channeled more in writing this morning about our powerful healing and sensitive Pisces Full Moon in my "Weekly Planetary Dance" . Enjoy!

The week starts off with a healing Pisces full moon. As White Tara reminded us yesterday, honoring our sensitivity, surrounding ourselves with love, gentleness and compassion will assist us in alignment with the unconditional love vibration that the moon in Pisces is beaming on us all.

Pisces rules the 12th house, the last house of the wheel of life, which is why it is called the house of liberation, enlightenment, as well as suffering. The choice is always ours. Which path do we choose? Self-empowerment or victimhood? It is the house where we meet ourselves. Not to be judged but to come into self-realization. There is no power out there that will judge you; it will be your own consciousness reflecting itself in the mirror of your soul. Fear not, my dear ones. You can choose to accept and love yourself unconditionally and choose to do better next time. Which is why we most often choose to reincarnate because we know we can embody the vibration of unconditional love, as this is who we are. This is the I AM presence.

I would invite you to drink a lot of water today, allowing yourself to let go of the old and making space for the new. The water element will be very healing and empowering as Pisces rules the oceans, any fluids inside of you and outside. Allow the Goddess of Water to cleanse you, my Dear Ones. Drink with mindfulness and have clear intentions, then let the magic happens. Let go and let Goddess... Surrender the mind, my Dear Ones, see beyond the illusion of separation and trust to the divine order.

Taking a healing bath with pure sea salt, pure essences, crystals, a bit of apple cider vinegar will also be very healing. Have a light diet. Play gentle music. Light a candle. Massage your feet, as Pisces rules the feet. Why do you think for eons of times people have touched the feet of saints? Walk the body of Mother Earth in sacred union, barefoot as much as you can. It will be grounding and enlightening.

People always look for the next challenge that will take them to more spirituality. This full moon is here to remind us that this is only a play of the ego, which needs to satisfy itself though it is never satiated. Did you notice? It always craves for more. We very often need to go on what is called a "pilgrimage" to realize that what we were looking for out there has been waiting for us at home, right within our heart. It is a journey I invite you to embrace, my Dear Ones. However you have planned your soul journey here, your soul is guiding you each step of the way for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see its divine guidance. Your body temple, your feelings are one direct way your soul speaks to you. For you to hear, you must be present. How can you become more present? Breathe deep and notice the feelings, notice the divine guidance through your body. This is called clairsentience, and all you need is to practice.

You can also call upon Archangel Raguel to assist you. This full moon happens on the 8th or 9th, depending on your time zone. 8 is the number of infinity and 9 the number of completion, ending and new beginning. A powerful time to unite our finite form back to Source, our infinity. Consciously choose to let go, my Dear Ones. If you choose to take a sacred bath, I would also suggest when you start draining the water at the end of your bath, scoop the water with your hand in gratitude letting go of what is no longer you, no longer of service on your soul journey. You can chant a mantra as well if you'd like such as OM MANI PADME HUM or let an affirmation come from your heart. This is no wrong way to do it! Trust yourself, my Dear Ones. Feel how liberating and healing it feels. Use your imagination to create your own sacred water ritual, the one that feels right to your soul. Honor the Moon Goddess by gazing into her, taking a moonlit walk, letting her light guide you, enhancing your intuition. It will be healing for the emotional body and nurturing to your soul, my Dear Ones.

After this powerful healing and liberating full moon in Pisces, Mercury in Libra will square Pluto in Capricorn (3:40pm PST) reminding us that the need to control must be let go of. Speak words that heal, my Dear Ones, and remember that sometimes silence is worth a thousand words. There is power in silence. On Wednesday, Mercury will sextile Jupiter in Leo (11:37am PST) assisting us in speaking from the heart, which will prove to create peace, harmony, joy and laughter between those open to exchange that heart communication. Allow yourself to experience how good it feels to speak from your heart, the place of unity.

On Thursday, the sun in Virgo will sextile masterful Saturn in Scorpio (8:03am PST) giving us the clarity and self-empowerment to make the practical changes our soul is guiding us to make in order to experience true bonding and intimacy with another. I have said it before, the Golden Age, is the age of twin soul relationships. In order to experience that unconditionally loving relationship, one must first take responsibility for one's soul growth. Twin souls are meant to reunite and serve as one. Awaken to the twin soul within and trust the divine timing for your reunion in the physical 3-D dimensions. How do you know you are meant to reunite? You know it in your heart and soul. Again, trust yourself, you are your own teacher and this comes with the responsibility of making your own decisions, standing into your own power and being your own authority. Are you willing to walk that path, my Dear Ones?

On Saturday, Mercury will oppose Uranus in Aries (1:16am PST) and Mars will enter high-spirited Sagittarius. Those energies will empower us to walk our talk and to break free from any self-limiting beliefs that we cannot be ourselves, that we need to fit in a so-called "mold." There is no mold to begin with, my Dear Ones. You must create it and it is forever-changing. Reinvent yourself! Will you dare is the question. What would you do if you were not afraid of the judgment and opinion of others? Set yourself free. You are free. It is your essence.

On Sunday, the Goddess Venus in Virgo will trine Pluto in Capricorn (7:35am PST) assisting us in taking practical steps in our daily lives: a balanced soul diet, breath meditation, yoga, Qigong, gong meditation... whichever tools you feel the most comfortable using to assist you in experiencing union. From that union we can see and experience the divinity in all of life. When we start seeing from the eyes of Source, the vibration of oneness, we can see it everywhere and life becomes one moment of bliss after the other. This bliss does not spring from escapism but from the raw acceptance and awareness that all is one. Seeing the divine pattern in all that there is. All is alive, my Dear Ones. Tune into the natural world of Mother Earth and allow yourself to receive the ancient wisdom and unconditional love it has to share. Meditate with a tree, a rock, a plant, a flower... all of Mother Earth's queendom speaks, it is a living Lightbrairy...listen...just listen...and feel your oneness with all that there is and ever will be. You are pure consciousness experiencing itself in a finite form. Consciousness looking at itself. It is beautiful, my Dear Ones, an ecstatic, transcendental and also very real human experience also called enlightenment. Your original state of being.
