In this Eclipsial Issue of the Earth-Keeper
New Metatron Channel - The
Mega Eclipses of October
Dear Family ! The below is excerpted from Archangel Metatron's new
channel on the nature of Eclipses and the importance of the current energy on
the planet...the time sensitive portions relating to October 2014 are included.
The full channel will be available in James Tyberonn's soon to be
released new book and will be available online. Offered in love... Enjoy
Windows of Infinity
The Mega
Eclipses of October 2014
the Nature & Attributes od Lunar & Solar Ecliptical Synergy
Metatron via James Tyberonn

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channel is copyrighted © All Rights Reserved
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copyrights of this Metatron message via James Tyberonn are the exclusive
copyrights of Earth-Keeper publishing. We offer this message in love. The
complete channel will be available very soon in book format, and the audio
version is free. Please do not post, print, publish or release on U Tube
without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper.
(Republished by Request)
The Mega Equinox of Sept 2014
& Tandem Duo of Mega Eclipses
Why the World Seems to Be Going Mad
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
Copyright Protected
Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Archangel of Light, and I greet
you in a vector of hope, and of unconditional love. And so in this session we
offer you a unique explanation of the energy encompassing your planet and
affecting humanity. It is a confusing time, and 2014 has been a year of change
and intensities. We speak with you through the voice of the Angelic via the
channel of Tyberonn, and are joined by a collective of energies from the Cosmic
Collation of Ascended Masters.
of you are viewing the turmoil about you and asking why the world seems to be
going mad. We have told you that the Cristos Energy returns to the Earth in
2038. In terms of Polarity this is the energy of Light. What is occurring in
the present are the final throes of the dark energy, innate to duality, in a
futile attempt to block the return. And we tell you the return will occur and
cannot be thwarted.
the past few weeks the world in macro and micro has seemed intensely chaotic.
Wars, violence, injustice and the threats of increasing turmoil are surfacing
everywhere, both in individual and mass scenarios. It is a time of the 'Cosmic
Cross-hairs', with each of you seeming at times perhaps to be in the targeted aim
of chaos. It is a time in which differences are highlighted a time in which
deviations and disparities are surfaced into clarity in a seemingly chaotic
aspect of polarity to pave the way for requisite harmony & unification.
Cosmic Gravities - Truths & Paths
astrology in its correct application is one of gravitational and
electromagnetic waves that influence the human body physical and the etheric
bodies of the mental and emotional matrix. It is real, it is not folklore. We
are not speaking about horoscopes, rather about factual irrefutable waves of
energy, that are teeming with frequencies, light and colors that effect you by
induction and federate patterns. These patterns are vibrations that absolutely
will influence, you whether or not you accept that they exist. However no
astrological influence is greater than the power of human will. But by being
aware of the influential vibratory patterns you can more effectively work with
and not against the patterns. Accordingly opportunities can be understood and
thus seized, and pitfalls can be wisely avoided. Do you understand?
the New Earth, the Crystalline Grid has taken predominance over the magnetic
grid, and this in kind influences both the gravity of planets & stars as
well as the interpretation of Light. And a force of influence that plays into
this energetic collage is that of Divine Thought.
are patterns of influence from the collective Divine Aspect of Humanity and
that termed Universal Mind that are injecting specific patterns through the
Crystalline Grid into the Earthplane at apertures formed in phases of eclipses,
solstices and equinoxes.
The Current Pattern of Seeming Madness
you are in a unique timing in which planetary influences have combined with
cosmic forces that are not normally associated to astrological gravities to
create a unique and succinctly intense purging in the paradigm of the New
Earth. That termed the shadow, the darkside is in a temporal free-flow for a
peculiar period of frequencial time to bring to the surface repressions and
frustrations, whether justified or not, to be confronted, viewed and dealt with
in the crucible of human experience and manifest reality. That which was hidden
or repressed is being percolated to the top. Past transgressions and unresolved
conflicts that may have been hidden will surface in this time for facing and
responsibly clearing.
is a time of misunderstanding, of overreaction and illusion. It is an energy
underscored by extremes in expression of repression, a backlash of frustrations
that may be revealed in a squeeze of untoward, even inappropriate venting in
releasing that which was in 'shadow'.
Divine Purpose
before we precede with a more in-depth explanation of the astro gravities
permeating the earthplane, let me take a moment to once again tell you that
nothing that is happening around you in the present is without purpose.
Although opposites (and as such dark energies) exist in duality, good and evil
in your terms are purposed illusions. From the higher stance above polarity
opposites do not exist, and everything is part of and leads to the greatest
good. Earth is a testing ground, and although the experiences you have in
duality are very real to you, such essential lessons are designed for your development
of co creatorship. You are learning, growing, being taught, and you are
teaching yourselves to optimally manage energy, to become conscious co-creators
with 'All That Is', Creator God in your terms. And one of the "stages of
development" or learning processes in the University of Duality includes
dealing with opposites as realities, with good and evil. And because these
opposites exist in duality, it is requisite that you choose 'good' in the path
of love.
struggle between light and dark, good and evil is within you all. Some of you
exude light; others of the family of humanity do not as yet. Learning to find
unity is part of your curriculum. This represents a unification, and integral
whole that you cannot as yet truly grasp in the field of duality because in
3d-duality you largely perceive only portions of reality, not the whole.
Opposites are real in polarity, and accordingly you must learn to deal with
not misunderstand, darkness must be confronted and light must and ever
prevails, and although above duality good and evil do not actually exist, they
are indeed actualities, as conditions of existence in your system of reality.
In rather simplistic terms, concepts of good and evil will in time serve to
teach you the sacredness of existence and the responsibilities of
consciousness, and provide guidelines along your path.
Now, we are joined at this time by a collective energy to share
with you the frequencial conditions on the planet. Give us a moment....
... (Pause)...
Astro Overview
and so we share with you that what is occurring in this phase is quite unusual,
and involves more than just what may be considered as standardized astrological
interpretations, as there are Cosmic influences at play that are directed by
forces other than planetary. From a higher stance, it is a purposed cleansing.
This interpretation is valid from the period of mid August thru the end of
October 2014, for indeed the lingering effects are collated and quite active in
the New Earth matrix beyond what may be considered as traditional views, pre
Addition) Over the period of the next 5 weeks there will be a powerful Equinox,
a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse and on the New Moon Solar Eclipse. The Sun
enters cardinal Air sign Libra on September 22nd 2104.
- September Equinox - Monday Sept 22
- Mercury Retrograde Begins - October 5-26
- Full Moon Lunar Eclipse October 8
- New Moon Mega Solar Eclipse - October 23
- Psychic Clarity Window In the Haze of Confusion - October 8-23
- Relationships Redefined - Sept 22 October -23
The Equinox of 22 September
September Equinox of 2014 is one of the most powerful solar events of the year,
and carries a great intensity, a great testing and powerful opportunity of
redefinition. It is a perfect time to regain equilibrium from the turmoil that
has been reigning since August. In September there are four influential and
powerful retrograde planets: Pluto thru September 22nd, Neptune thru November
11th, Chiron thru November 23rd, and Uranus thru the December Solstice
(December 21).
the potent and influential energies of revolutionary independence and the push
for change and devolution, such as what has been seen in the UK (Scotland)
relates to the Uranus-Pluto square. There is as well as an underlining
spiritual awakening from Neptune in Pisces that can work as a double edge in
benevolent transformational shift ... or on the other hand aggressively pushing
for change at any cost, not precluding violence...and to some degree this is
influencing the Middle East, although there are many more complexities in this
is initiating trining Uranus-in-Aries, beginning in the week of the expansive
Equinox, (from Sept 19-26)... on September 25th, and this intensity can trigger
emotional surges, and surfaces additional releases.
Equinox is a time to meditate and find priorities. It is embedded in a powerful
collation of energies that are testing and redefining relationship.
what is also occurring especially in the phase of the triad of the 2
extraordinary Total Eclipses and super Equinox, are the codes to enable the
fitting and utilization of the expanded 33 chakra system for humanity, a move
from polarity into non-polarity, and this will continue for some time. All
astrological energies are amplified, akin to a full moon 20X, and you will feel
this intensity. The eclipses are in effect total, and these are further
amplified with the solar radiation from coronal mass ejections.
The Mega Eclipses:
Lunar : The
Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8 Full Moon is at 15º Aries. It will fall on the
star of liberation through expansion. It initiates a period of extreme vision,
a time in which clarity can emerge in an extraordinary window, piercing thru
the delusion that has pervaded this unusual phase of energy. An energy of liberation
is projected. Much of the sense of liberation, the 'release of chains' is the
Uranus influence. This Full Moon Total Eclipse can work in a positive or
negative means, either peacefully in transformation or in triggering a more
aggressive response, even violence in political stages .It is a very powerful
time and the intensity will be felt. It should be utilized wisely and employed
for prayerful intent in co creatorship.
- The Mega Solar Eclipse on the New Moon
October 23 2014 is at 0º Scorpio. It is conjunct the planet of Venus. This
Solar Eclipse emphasizes issues of responsibility of enacting clarity around
spiritual values and the use of psychic vision. This will also allow for
re-calibration of belief system programs and will reveal imbalanced ego
aggrandizements, a delusionary force that removes one from accurate vision and
negatively neutralizes one's ability to use ones psychic abilities in clarity.
It is also a powerful time to review negative attitudes that may have been
hidden, and are hindering relationships. As it occurs on the New Moon, it is
representative of the new beginnings....and this is a Mega Triad of Energies
between the Equinox, Lunar and Solar Eclipses. Now as we have stated in
previous channels eclipses are apertures in dimensional veils, and a time in
which codes are received. The same occurs in a differentiated manner
during Equinoxes and Solstices, and when a lunar and solar eclipse occur within
close proximity of either a solstices or equinox, the energies are synergized,
collated and amplified, as such the effects are truly enormous. The New Moon
Solar Eclipse will indeed have the effect of Total, in truth all eclipses,
whether visible or partially visible create the aperture inj the space-time
continuum and dimensional veil. All eclipses indeed radiate frequency and
energetically affect & bath the entire planet. The Full
Moon Lunar and New Moon Solar are very pertinent in sequence of phase centers.
Mercury Retrograde of October 4-25: This is an unusual retrograde and it occurs
in the air sign of Libra. As ever, relationships are emphasized within Libra.
This is encapsulated in the rare current frequency on the planet. This
retrograde of Mercury in Libra will encompass redefining relationships with
partners, friends and loved ones. But in this phase, one will also be required
to confront relationship with self.
of self denial, self aggrandizement and self worth will be faced and redefined.
Old issues may need to be confronted. Although communication is normally
clouded in Mercury retrogrades, there is a rare and specific
'homeopathic' element to this retrograde of Mercury in which clarity of
obstacles in relationships, both to others and self may be seen clearly,
although in an intense edging that purposely reveals short comings. Tread
lightly, but take time, especially during the eclipses to review. Taking clear
review and decisive action to heal any areas of dysfunction in your close
partnerships is emphasized from late September (Equinox) through the tandem
eclipses....and is focal in the retrograde. Take care not to allow this
opportunity to fall into argumentation for it allows unusual clearings if
approached in wisdom.
Dear Humans, All of this is taking place at a time in which coronal mass
ejection (solar winds), the fixing of the solar reversal and the amplification
of the September Equinox exaggerate already spiked emotional oscillations. The
Saturn Mars conjunction, the Venus New Moon Square to Mars, the emerging of
Pluto in Sagittarius and Mercury movement into Pluto are part of the energetic
cocktail that has opened the 'basement' door to allow for the escape of hidden
shadow and repressed feelings, even dark emotions. Within this specific and
quite unique collation of energy, that termed the dark energy finds an opening.
In phases of this frequency the red energy of Mars will sweep the planet,
compounded by adverse angles of other planets...and emotions are easily mal-affected,
and can tend to flow into what you terms as the illogical and negative.
Therefore it is imperative that you act wisely and do not over react.
of you who utilize the energy of gemstones in application to the aura are
advised to wear gems of purple and blue, thus converted red to a higher
frequency in this scenario.
Reality Checks
in this energetic frequency, Neptune adds an extreme illusionary influence.
Those prone to delusion, to occasional grandiose misconceptions or mirage of
aggrandized fantasy will find that drossy veil opened wide into false dream
worlds, and these temporarily lost dreamers may well bite the hand that
attempts to wake them. Reality checks offered from even the best intent may
result in a confusing, unexpected counterpunch or stark rejection.
is a time in which even the pure of heart may reject seemingly good willed
advice, much less intervention. It is a phase in which any figure of authority,
right or wrong, may be seen as interfering.
rebellious attitude is given leeway, in Mars, even among those not normally
fractious, and may influence one to take steps in this rather cloudy
frequencial phase that would not have otherwise seemed logical. So keep
in mind this unusual energy can influence all. The inner 'coyote' is released.
The teacher has left the room, and the students are on their own, mischief
applies as the rules are not as enforceable in this misty frequency. Many of
you will act in ways that are unexpected and unusual, well outside your normal
pattern, as constraints are lifted in this influential gravity. Those factions
and individuals that are tied to negative aspects of revenge or any negative
tainting may be prone to act in extreme measures during this phase.
comes into play in this juncture. Concepts of not being recognized, of ideas
being excluded, rejected, of being passed over or repudiated in any manner.
This applies in macro to ideologies, religions, countries or groups that feel
their 'power' is not realized or has been diminished. Religions that allow for
violence or condone aggression fall into this category. Groups and individuals
that feel repressed will find a venting opportunity.
so it is important in this time to measure twice and cut once. Take time before
acting....and reconsider your actions before taking them. In kind allow for
leeway among friends and family, for misunderstandings can more easily occur.
Allow for honest expression, even if it feels disagreeable or out of character.
Crucible Effect
feelings that were not previously felt, suppressed or hidden will surface in
this timing. Inner truths are being sought, and it is sometimes through
mis-action that one's own limitations are brought to surface.
this energy actual feelings that may or may not be considered or meritorious
come out. These may come from ones personal ' Pandora Box'. These may be
seemingly hostile feelings, emotions of jealousy, anger & greed. There may be unexpressed emotions of dislike of
another, or irritation from a long passed confrontation or issue that bursts
out unexpectedly in a 'Freudian Slip' toward an ally, family member or
acquaintance....something that just pops out that surprises both sides.
Dear Human, any frustration you felt, something
you may have wanted to express but did not, a comment you wanted to make but
held back (and it became a festering feeling you buried) bubbles out in this
energy. The silver lining is that it allows an opportunity for the air to be
Facing What Emerges
The positive outcome is that the surfacing
of many of the issues you have hidden, swept
under the rug, denied, avoided ,
ignored, feared about yourselves, about life, about
others, about relationships, about mentality of lack , of not having enough can be revealed and thus become a trigger
for an opportunity to release and become a greater carrier of light. To
one degree or other impurities will surface in this frequency.
But again it must be realized that not everything that
surfaces is correct. Many suppressed hostilities may not be accurate or true
feelings, and thus the revelation of their surfacing can be a double edged
sword. Honest emotion of an inaccurate response can still hurt...the positive
is that you confront it, but you must leave room for consideration of whether
or not it was just.
in Scorpio reveals the hidden secrets and Mars in Saturn puts them in full
spectral view, placing feet to the fire in your vernacular, and rings the
bell. And thus sets up the opportune challenge of clearing in a scenario
that cannot be easily denied. Confrontation is required.
an individual level, this may be a phase prone to seeing all you dislike in
others to varying degrees. And for those of you that are at times in more of a
solitary environ this same energy may mirror, may turn inward into an overly
critical self review that can become akin to self condemnation. Keep in mind
that while self review is very important, the goal of self review is to make
corrective adjustments, not to punish the self. It is not virtuous
in any self-review to denigrate or condemn self, because you feel you
have made an error, acted inappropriately or not lived up to your best behavior
in any given circumstance.
the energy phase in September, even prior to, even before the actual
backward movement of Mercury contains the aspects & characteristics of the
full blown retrograde. This will be felt from September 22nd. And this
energy can be used wisely to self calibrate.
we emphasize that there is within this specific phase and frequential
field a potent influence to become overly critical. To become gloomy and
depressed. So we urge you to take note, for this energy should not be allowed
to lead you into energy of persecution, of negative condemnation, either of
others or self. Rather it is to be used as an opportunity purge and learn what
is accurate, what no longer serves, and what is beneficial in your life.
is a time that can be used wisely, albeit patience and wisdom are important to
temper and guard the gates. Relations can be tested and redefined for the
greater good. Obstacles can be seen in the crucible and brought and removed up
to clear the way. This energy will prevail through the Equinox and into the
Total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of October 8 and the New Moon Mega Solar Eclipse
of October 23. Keep in mind these have a wider frequencial influence than
just the days of apex, eclipses and indeed all astrological gravities and
amplifiers extend for elongated periods. The asteroid that is passing near you
earth is an incredible amplifier and teamed with the Solar Winds and Equinox,
are creating exaggerations that further amplify the planetary forces.
this time wisely. There will be a natural surfacing of emotions you term as
negative, whether these emerge as guilt, shame, jealousy or anger, do not allow
them in this energy to result in actions of attack, vengeance or
violence. All humans have faults and in this phase, these are revealed
and can be released. The shadow is revealed, and can be turned into
light....and that is the higher aspect of what is herein purposed.
We honor you and offer our blessings and deepest love on you path.
...And So it is...
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