pirmdiena, 2014. gada 15. septembris

Gaia Earth Star's Weekly Planetary Dance: Week of September 15

Gaia Earth Star's Weekly Planetary Dance: Week of September 15


After a quite intense past week, this week will feel much more balanced as the Goddess of Love, Venus, leads the dance up to the Fall Equinox and Libra’s new moon happening early next week. Venus rules the sign of Libra. She is most certainly setting the stage for this potent time of harvest and equanimity within oneself that represents the Fall Equinox. The Moon Goddess will still be in busy Gemini, keeping our minds alert and open to new ideas on Monday.

She will then shift into emotional and nurturing Cancer on Tuesday (8:24am PST), an auspicious time to slow down, apply self-care, enjoy home and tune into one's inner world. The moon is now in its waning phase, so it is a potent time to let go in order to create space for the new moon seeds of next week. As we approach the Equinox, the darkness will overtake the light day by day a little more, inviting us to dive within, where our true power and sense of wholeness lies.

The moon in a trine to Neptune in Pisces (7:34pm PST) will be a beautiful energy to swim into the nurturing waters of our divine feminine. Give yourself an unconditionally loving hug my Dear Ones, you deserve it! Intuition, dreams and psychic abilities will be heightened at this time, as well as our creativity and imagination. Channel your deep emotions into creativity; it will assist in releasing deep-rooted emotional patterns. Allow yourself to become a channel of divine healing, beauty and harmony. I would also invite you to pay attention to your feelings and your dream space as they will abound and signify divine guidance. This is one of the ways your soul communicates with you, my Dear Ones. I also want to bring to your awareness that life is but a dream.

Thus, as you use the power of your imagination, holding yourself into the space of unconditional love, you open the door to divine abundance. We only experience scarcity and lack when we do not allow ourselves to receive. The universe is overflowing with abundance; it is its essence. When we limit the way it can manifest in our lives, we start experiencing struggle. Ponder upon this my Dear Ones. Dream, imagine, feel how it feels to receive all the support and love on all levels possible and allow the universe, the cosmic mother, to bring it to you in the most auspicious shape, form and timing to assist you on your soul journey, in those times of ascension on Planet Earth.

On Wednesday, Venus in Virgo will oppose Chiron, the wounded healer, in Pisces (11:31am PST) giving us the opportunity for a sweet reality check, and from that place of clarity and awareness, a feeling of empowerment will be flowing through those who desire to take charge of their destiny rather than dwell in a victim consciousness frequency, where soul growth can only be hindered. You have chosen to incarnate on Planet Earth. You have not been condemned to human life. It is a gift and in other realms, they understand it. Start to be grateful for each and every breath, my Dear Ones.

Bring that attitude of gratitude into all the little things of your life and see the magical shift happen. More abundance, love and a feeling of connectedness to the whole of creation will start flowing through you. There are worlds upon world upon worlds, though we have chosen to dwell, at least our physical body, in a 3-D dimension, which gives us the illusion that we are separate from the whole. I have spoken about it before. The gift is the separation. The fact that we are separate in physical form allows us to experience union, also called yoga. On Sunday, Venus in a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio (6:03am PST), the sign of twin soul relationships, will remind us of that ancient wisdom. Through the other, in a space of deep intimacy and unconditional love, we merge with another.

Merging our life force, called kundalini, with the one cosmic heart, through another physical being. This is the gift of this dimension, my Dear Ones. Source has chosen to separate itself into divine masculine and divine feminine. Yes, we are truly at the core both of those energies. Though, in the illusion of physical separation, which we have chosen to experience, the merging with our twin soul is the ecstatic human experience by excellence. This is why when you meet your twin soul, it is the most rewarding and the most challenging relationship you can possibly experience. Your shadow will come up intensely in order to be integrated within oneself, as the essence of a twin soul relationship is unconditional love. Thus, its flame cannot burn if not fed this energy.

Usually, after the reunion with a twin soul, quite quickly, we experience tremendous intensity, which often leads to a time of separation, as the two beings are asked to go on their own journey back to unconditional love before being able to reunite and serve as one. This is the purpose of a twin soul relationship: service to humanity. Becoming an inspiration of divine masculine and feminine in equilibrium. This is not a fantasy at all, my Dear Ones. You might ask, how do I know this is my twin soul? I will reply. You just know it in your heart and soul. Nothing can prove it neither invalidate it. You just know it. The Golden Age is the age of twin soul activation.

The disillusion can be experienced when one thinks that by meeting one's twin soul, all challenges will magically disappeared. It is the false concept of “needing to be saved.” The square to Mars in Sagittarius to Neptune in Pisces (8:39pm PST) will remind us that this concept is exactly what keeps us away from reuniting with our twin soul. I repeat again, a twin soul relationship can only manifest in the 3-D dimension of duality, when sustained and nourished by both beings with unconditional love. Thus, each of them must go through the inner transformation and golden alchemical rebirth as one. This is the requirement of a twin soul reunion in order to serve as one the unique purpose they have chosen to assist the ascension on Planet Earth.

I trust this will speak to your heart and soul, my Dear Ones, and empower you to do the inner work, which will be the foundation for what is known galactically to be the most ecstatic union of two beings in physical form. Two bodies, one soul, serving the one heart. Some of you are going to ask, "What if I do not reunite with my twin soul? I will remind you that the soul is eternal so when the time is right, you will. Some others will ask, "I met my twin soul but we separated, will we reunite?” I will again say, in divine timing you will be reunited.

I invite you to embrace fully all the experiences and relationships you might need to go through in order for the both of you to match in vibration again. It always comes back to you, my Dear Ones. The universe only matches our vibration. If you vibrate at the twin soul frequency then it will manifest in your 3-D reality. And you will have for mission to anchor the fifth dimension of unconditional love and unity consciousness together on Planet Earth. It is a responsibility that asks for devotion, courage and surrender. Do not wait for your twin soul.

Trust the divine timing and enjoy each and every present moment of your life. Lastly, as Pluto in Capricorn is getting ready to go direct on the 22nd, the day of the Fall Equinox, we are assisted to release the energy of attachment, control and fear which only prevents us from experiencing union with our own soul. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and reminds us that twin souls have reunited before and many will continue to reunite, fueling the flame of unconditional love within the heart of Mother Earth and the heart of the Cosmic Mother unto eternity.