svētdiena, 2014. gada 5. oktobris

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, October 5th 2014

Moon enters Pisces
As the Moon enters the compassionate and boundless waters of Pisces, making a trine to Mercury now retrograde in the deep transformative waters of Scorpio (6:06am PST) we are powerfully assisted to get clarity on what we need to let go, what is no longer us, in order to re-create ourselves as who we truly are, to birth to our authentic self at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries of next week (watch my latest video forecast, link below) ...the conjunction to Neptune in Pisces (10:56am PST) will invite us to be in a state of surrender, tuning into the omens that our Soul is sending us to guide us in what we perceive to be the unknown. You have made deep promises with your Soul before incarnating my Dear Ones, this is what a soul reading assist you to is the time to fulfill those promises and raise to your Destiny in those times of Ascension. Today, is a powerful day to meditate, be in contemplation, cultivate silence within yourself, pray to yourself, be near water or in the water as Neptune is the Goddess of Water...and allow yourself to hear the guidance of your Soul as it knows the way. When you start tuning into your Soul, the fear of the unknown starts dissipating and a feeling of being empowered and able to go through any challenges starts growing within you. You start feeling invisible in a gentle way. And that is the true power of the Warrior of the Heart.

 It is a very creative time my Dear Ones so use it to create from the Power of thy Undying Love.

Mercury is retrograde in deep Scorpio inviting us to go inward, where the answers lies, to stand in our Truth with our heart open. The sextile to Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, in Capricorn (8:20pm PST) will empower us to find the emotional strength to let go and rebirth, shedding the old skin. Call upon the Mayan Moon Goddess Ixchel and awaken to your Divine Healing powers to end the cycle of suffering and pain for all beings in all dimensions, end the suffering and release the pain of Mother Earth!

 Remember my Dear Ones, your Heart and Soul know what you need to let go of, trust your inner knowing and know that all is in Divine Order, all is perfect beyond the limitations of our ego-mind-prison. We are ascending to the next level of our Soul Mission my Dear Ones. Know that Pluto will only remove from your life what no longer serves your Soul Purpose. There is no need to find who or what is to blame, this is only a trick from your mind to keep you separate. There is no blame! Relax into this surrender. Stay bright, shine the Light of your Soul. All is well. Love yourself unconditionally, rest in your Soul's Love for you, in this quiet space of your own infinity, and allow yourself to fly like the eagle and rebirth as the Pheonix rising from the burning Fire of Unconditional Love. Re-creating yourself anew unto Eternity. This is the never ending story...

A Mantra for today which might inspire you:"All is forgiven, all is set free to the burning Fire of Unconditional Love...And so it is..."

I recommend the "Pleiadian Diamond Heart Stargate" and "Awakening to your Compassionate Heart" guided meditations, to assist and empower you in those potent times of breakthrough and self-Mastery.

Available at
Watch Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Forecast in Glastonbury, Tor:

Watch Mercury Retrograde Forecast at Rosslyn Chapel:

 Mother Earth Blessings
 Gaia Earth Star
 Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
 and Spiritual Guide