Dear One, I will continue to remind you that I am Amma, the Divine
Mother, and I am your mother.
Mother, and I am your mother.
Mīļais, es turpināšu atgādināt tev, ka es esmu Amma, Dievišķā Māte, un es esmu tava mamma.
Today, I wish to emphasize the power of your heart.
Today, I wish to emphasize the power of your heart.
You know you have a physical heart. You may also know you have a
heart center, known as the heart chakra. We will talk about both
your hearts at different times.
Tu zini, tev ir fiziskā sirds. Tu varbūt zini, ka tev ir arī sirds centrs, pazīstams kā sirds čakra. Mēs runāsim par abām tavām sirdīm dažādos laikos.
Today I'm going to talk about the heart center. There is a front
and a back. We are going to focus on the front of the heart center
for the next week.
Today I'm going to talk about the heart center. There is a front
and a back. We are going to focus on the front of the heart center
for the next week.
Bring your attention to the center of your chest, just to the right
of your physical heart.
Pievērs savu uzmanību pašam centram tavās krūtīs, nedaudz pa labi no tavas fiziskās sirds.
Imagine you are breathing in and out of your physical heart.
Practice doing this as much as you can today. I want to emphasize
how powerful this exercise it. It is the first step to accessing
and using your power.
Imagine you are breathing in and out of your physical heart.
Practice doing this as much as you can today. I want to emphasize
how powerful this exercise it. It is the first step to accessing
and using your power.
Iedomājies, ka ieelpo un izelpo ar savu fizisko sirdi. Šodien praktizē šo vingrinājumu, cik vien vari. Gribu uzsvērt šī vingrinājuma spēku. Tas ir pirmais solis sava spēka sasniegšanā un lietošanā.
Until tomorrow, ...
Until tomorrow, ...
Līdz rītdienai , …
Received through:saņemts caur Katī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman
Received through:saņemts caur Katī Čepmenu
Cathy Chapman