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Vaccine-nation: Poisoning The Population One Shot At A Time - Andreas Moritz (Andreass Morics)
~ 10 min
This book reveals: Statistical evidence that vaccines never actually eradicated infectious diseases, including polio. How childhood vaccines, flu shots and other kinds of inoculations systemically destroy the body's immune system. The massive increase of allergies, Eczema, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Acid reflux, Cancer, Diabetes (infant and childhood), Kidney disease, Miscarriages, many Neurological and Autoimmune diseases, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is largely due to vaccines. Why vaccinated children have 120% more Asthma, 317% more ADHD, 185% more Neurologic disorders, and 146% more Autism than those not vaccinated. The shocking fact that most outbreaks of infectious diseases occur largely among those who are fully vaccinated. Vaccines lack long-term safety testing and most vaccine side-effects are never reported to protect vaccine-makers from liability suits.
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