sestdiena, 2014. gada 21. jūnijs
Moon enters Taurus June 21st, 2014 - Happy Solstice my Dear Ones!
As the Sun enters the soulful waters of Cancer (3:51am PST) a powerful crystalline light frequency from the Galactic Sun will opens hitting the Earth Star chakra, the Heart Center of Mother Earth.
I released the "Pleiadian Golden Buddha" meditation for that event (find it on my website). It is a very potent time of stillness, illuminations and deep transformation as the light and dark energies within and without ourselves come to a perfect equilibrium.
Cash unto this energy my Dear Ones and allow yourself to integrate it in meditation, contemplation, dancing on Mother Earth, doing your own sacred rituals in gratitude to the Giver of all Life, the Galactic Sun, Source, which I call the "Cosmic Mother" and the Goddess herself, Mother Earth, the nurturer and sustainer of all Life.
Solstice has been celebrated by souls for eons of time as the Ancient Ones knew how powerful this time is within the cycles of life. Honor this time by honoring your life and all living beings on our Planet and beyond.
The square to the Moon, still in independent Aries (10:13am PST) by Jupiter in Cancer, will challenge us to break free from the past conditioning and allow the new frequency and level of higher consciousness and awareness to be a potent seed for your future and the future of humanity.
I suggest planting a seed today with your intentions for the next six months until the next solstice. It will be powerful. The sextile to Mercury retrograde in Gemini (3:24pm PST) will assist this energy of integration and understanding of the cosmic forces at work which we are a reflection of.
The Moon entering fertile Taurus (8:03pm PST), in a sextile to the Sun in Cancer (9:19pm PST) will assure the growth of the seed we have planted today within our own soul.
Just remind yourself to nurture and feed that soul seed daily, letting its light shine on all. New growth is upon us my Dear Ones.
It can feel a bit uncomfortable at first to wear a new skin, letting go of the old but trust me you will get use to it.
It is just part of cycle of birth, death and rebirth. It is the never ending story...
Mother Earth Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
and Spiritual Guide