pirmdiena, 2014. gada 4. augusts

Gaia Earth Star

My Dear Ones,

The Scorpio Moon is beaming powerful healing frequencies today as it will conjunct Saturn also in Scorpio and trine Chiron, the wounded healer in Pisces. Look at her tonight and allow yourself to feel and receive her healing. An auspicious night to do the "healing with Chiron" guided Pleiadian meditation. Enjoy


Moon in Scorpio


The dream space or meditative space shall bring deep messages and self-realizations as the Moon will square Jupiter in Leo (3:33am PST) and conjunct Mars in Scorpio (4;32am PST).


Those days of intensity where we are dancing with the square between Leo and Scorpio, is an auspicious time to get to know your kundalini energy, your life-force intimately.


The key here is to observe and channel our sexual energy which is the source of all creation, to the higher centers.


This is a time of HEARTgasm my Dear Ones and in order for the kundalini to rise to the heart center, the balancing chakra which aligns all other chakras in our 12 Chakra system, we must be able to hold the frequency and shoot it up!


There is many tools that have been given to us through breath work, yoga postures as an example. Why do you think those practices are on the rise again? Because we need it! We can no longer trash our kundalini energy. The most common way to do so is to have sex unconsciously. There is much awareness that needs to be brought about how important it is to honor one's sexual energy. One night stands won't do my Dear Ones and are very damaging mainly to the woman.


I will talk more about this in a video or write about it. After the powerful gathering we had yesterday to clear the emotional body of Mother Earth, she requested that I launch the "Earth Star Morning Sadhana".


She is asking for our help and we shall answer the call again. You can also do this Sadhana anytime during the day. A Sadhana is a spiritual practice which ideally is best done in the early hours before sunrise as the magnetic field of the Earth is at its optimum, a tantric angle of 60 degree.

Please join "Gaia Earth Star One Love Stargate" by clicking the link below for details and to participate in this global 40 days Earth Star Sadhana to assist the Ascension of our beloved Mother Gaia as we allow ourselves to become clear light channels.


Mars in Scorpio is about purification, which is why doing "breath of fire" will prove to be powerful in detoxifying all of our bodies at a cellular level and creating a clear channel for our kundalini to rise.


I am warning you, you will most likely get high with this breath! A nice natural side effect.


The square to Mercury in Leo (6:11am PST) will challenge us to get the spiritual understanding of what is happening on our lives. Yes we are here to enjoy and to be happy but if we are unconscious, we will continue to create misery and suffering on our Planet.


Scorpio wants us to dig deep and find that Leo jewel, that diamond that we are! Don't be cheap my Dear Ones and don't treat yourself cheap. Don't lower your standards of self-respect and self-love because you want to merge with another.


The trine from Mars to Neptune in Pisces (8:58am PST) will remind us that the merging is first win our own soul and if we do not honor thy Soul, the trauma-drama movie shall continue.

See the soul picture!


The trine from the Moon to Pluto in Capricorn (5:46pm PST) will assist us in channeling all that Scorpio energy into our life purpose, our Soul Mission.


Letting go of the old version of you will be the work here. You are not your drama neither your drama. The same scenario does not need to repeat if you take responsibility for creating it. This is the first step to transformation.


And you know what my Dear Ones, time to get over ourselves. We are not here on Planet Earth to be perfect. We have come to learn deep lessons and play the game of awareness through the illusion of duality.


So of course we are going to go through hardships it is the all purpose of growth! Don't compare yourself. Everyone has its own karma to work out here. No one gets spared even the ones that are leading others, trust me.


We are a big human family of Light, all in this together as One!


The square from the Moon to the Sun in Leo (5:50pm PST) will reinforce this message that all must walk through their darkness to shine their light. Again, it is the purpose of this incarnation. So let's stop being sorry for oneself and embrace your unique path of rebirth, self-transformation and sacred union, back to Source. You might have forgotten the deep promises you made between your Soul and your Self but now your Soul is leading the way. Proceed with trust my Dear Ones, your Soul knows the way...and expect miracles!


Join the 40 day Earth Star Sadhana by becoming a "One Love Stargate" Member (apply to all membership levels). Sadhana will start on August 10th at the Aquarius Super Full Moon!



Mother Earth Blessings

Gaia Earth Star

Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel

and Spiritual Guide

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, August 4th 2014

Happy Moon-day my Dear Ones! An auspicious day to go within, retreat and nurture your Soul as the Moon will conjunct Masterful Saturn (3:29am PST) and trine Chiron, the wounded healer, in Pisces (3:37am PST) assisting us in taking responsibility as a co-creator. I have spoken about it many times, the blame game is just not meant to work. If you are having an experience that you do not like, know that your Soul has manifes...ted that particular reality in this 3D via a person or event for example for you to integrate that disown part of yourself which you are not aware of. Again, it deals with the subconscious and unconscious here. Things that we are just not aware we are doing. It is a bit like saying you want to marry a good man and you find yourself in the bed of a strange after a party. It is likely that good men is not at that party! You see my point here? To transform that self-sabotaging unconscious pattern, you need to bring awareness to it, from that point of truth and clarity you can shift your energy and manifest what you truly desire. I want to use another example here which usually touches a strong cord: money.

 If you have challenges in manifesting this energy, yes money is simply energy, you most likely deep down either think money is dirty, not spiritual enough, or whatever belief is imprinted in you that makes you think subconsciously that you are not worthy of wealth and abundance. A self-esteem and self-worth issue here. Everything in our Universe is vibration and frequencies. What program your run in your mind computer will dictate the reality you create. Create consciously. Ponder upon this my Dear Ones. When you experience frustration, anger, resentment, stop and take a step back by meditating, contemplating, writing or whatever your Soul is guiding you towards to gain clarity in the core issue. The Moon in Scorpio is guiding us into our depth so we can find that jewel and celebrate our victory as when she enters Sagittarius tomorrow. You are the key to your happiness. Unlock your power my Dear Ones! Allow your shadow manifested through the illusion of separation to take you home. This is what the Moon in a trine to Venus in Cancer (10:43am PST) will be assisting us with. All is well my Dear Ones, we all get to go home and we can do it all over again, if we so choose...
Newly Released "Pleiadian Ascension Package - Compassion Ray" which includes 3 Pleiadian Guided Meditation to assist you on your soul journey:


Mother Earth Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
and Spiritual Guide

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, August 4th 2014

Happy Moon-day my Dear Ones! An auspicious day to go within, retreat and nurture your Soul as the Moon will conjunct Masterful Saturn (3:29am PST) and trine Chiron, the wounded healer, in Pisces (3:37am PST) assisting us in taking responsibility as a co-creator. I have spoken about it many times, the blame game is just not meant to work. If you are having an experience that you do not like, know that your Soul has manifested that particular reality in this 3D via a person or event for example for you to integrate that disown part of yourself which you are not aware of. Again, it deals with the subconscious and unconscious here. Things that we are just not aware we are doing. It is a bit like saying you want to marry a good man and you find yourself in the bed of a strange after a party. It is likely that good men is not at that party! You see my point here? To transform that self-sabotaging unconscious pattern, you need to bring awareness to it, from that point of truth and clarity you can shift your energy and manifest what you truly desire. I want to use another example here which usually touches a strong cord: money. If you have challenges in manifesting this energy, yes money is simply energy, you most likely deep down either think money is dirty, not spiritual enough, or whatever belief is imprinted in you that makes you think subconsciously that you are not worthy of wealth and abundance. A self-esteem and self-worth issue here. Everything in our Universe is vibration and frequencies. What program your run in your mind computer will dictate the reality you create. Create consciously. Ponder upon this my Dear Ones. When you experience frustration, anger, resentment, stop and take a step back by meditating, contemplating, writing or whatever your Soul is guiding you towards to gain clarity in the core issue. The Moon in Scorpio is guiding us into our depth so we can find that jewel and celebrate our victory as when she enters Sagittarius tomorrow. You are the key to your happiness. Unlock your power my Dear Ones! Allow your shadow manifested through the illusion of separation to take you home. This is what the Moon in a trine to Venus in Cancer (10:43am PST) will be assisting us with. All is well my Dear Ones, we all get to go home and we can do it all over again, if we so choose...

Newly Released "Pleiadian Ascension Package - Compassion Ray" which includes 3 Pleiadian Guided Meditation to assist you on your soul journey:

Mother Earth Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
and Spiritual Guide