pirmdiena, 2014. gada 25. augusts

Gaia Earth Star Weekly Planetary Dance: Week of August 25th

Gaia Earth Star Weekly Planetary Dance: Week of August 25th

This week starts off on a high note with a New Moon in Virgo. Mercury, our understanding, has been leading the way and the Sun, our Consciousness, has now joined the Virgo assembly, which I also call “The Cosmic Devotee.” Virgo is about the “here and now,” as I wrote in last week report, and this New Moon (7:13am PST) wants us to bridge our consciousness of the physical plane with the non-physical plane, as it opposes Neptune in Pisces (3:15pm PST). To assist us in doing so, Mercury will sextile Mars (1:46am PST) and Saturn (5:29am PST) both in deep and transformative Scorpio, which will both come to exact conjunction (12:30pm PST).

This conjunction is about purification and opening of the Third Eye, the all-seeing Eye that the Egyptians have revered throughout their history. Our Kundalini wants to rise, and it would be advised to do some yoga, breath work, meditation, contemplation and visualization practice in those times of accelerated change. One must find the point of stillness; it is essential at this time. The melting pot of energies on this New Moon is asking of us to go deeper and higher. Are you willing to merge with your Higher Self and let your soul, which holds your Ancient Memory, guide your way on? We are building the New Age, the Golden Age, which means we have to co-create it.

This new paradigm cannot be built on the values and foundations with which we have built the Dark Age. As Einstein said, “A problem cannot be solved within the level of consciousness that created it.” Thus, we must go beyond what we know, who we think we are, our place in the Universe and beyond. We are asked to enter unknown territories, and our only guides are our souls and all of the other light beings working behind the scene, giving us clues on our next step and stage in our Human Evolution. Venus in Leo will trine Uranus in Aries (2:38am PST), adding another blueprint to this New Moon, which will be about true unconditional love.

Uranus in Aries is assisting us to break free from the ego-mind-prison, creating the New Human of the Golden Age, which remembers its multi-dimensionality. This energy of Venus and Uranus wants us to revolutionize our experience and understanding of love. Adding the Virgo imprint of the New Moon, it will remind us that love is the ever-present and expanding force which creates and moves all things. It is also called Source Energy. It is not romantic, limited nor demanding; it simply is, and we are a manifestation of it. It dwells beyond the separation of the Mind, where All is One and All is Love.

Choosing to surrender to that force will prove to be wise, healing, transformative and balancing. Remember, control is an illusion. Beyond this illusion, Life flows. For this New Moon, plant the seed of true unconditional love within your heart and the heart of Mother Earth, the Goddess, who is always nourishing and loving us unconditionally. Give thanks to Mother Earth, my Dear Ones. Allow the seed of compassion to flourish within you, serving in whichever shape or form you have chosen to contribute to the ascension of Mother Earth and your family of light. Om mani padme hum. On Tuesday, Venus will square Saturn (11:22am PST) and Mars (8:46am PST) on Wednesday, challenging us to see the truth of our present relationships.

Are you in a relationship that truly supports your soul evolution? Do you share true intimacy, and do you trust your partner? Is this true love, which is given freely or a mere illusion, kept together under the force of control? Does your relationship look good on the outside but feel empty on the inside? We are ascending to soul love, my Dear Ones, and shallow relationships will not do at this time. Choose to value yourself, your body and your Kundalini. Be wise with whom you choose to share your Kundalini.

Remember, you carry the imprint of anyone you have been intimate with, so again, choose wisely! You know in your heart when you have met a soul mate, someone that will take you to the next step in your soul evolution. Trust your intuition and channel your Kundalini wisely. It is the most precious force you carry, and it is your direct connection to Source. An intimate, committed and bonded relationship is key to assist you in your ascension, and Saturn here will make sure you have a realistic view of where you are within yourself. Saturn only wants your success, and it does take courage to see the truth of a situation. There is only one way, and it is through!

Believe in your power to release, transform, and rise from the ashes of the past. Become the master of your own life! As the Moon will be in Libra, the sign which rules relationships, the Sun in Virgo will oppose Neptune in Pisces (7:33am PST), giving us further clarity on what transpired at the New Moon, if we can ever gain clarity when opposed by unbounded and unfathomable Neptune! Neptune wants us to surrender, to transcend. It is this part of us, which, like the lotus flower, never descends into this dimension of separation. It is what is beyond the mind, which only our soul can touch and experience.

Pay attention to the spiritual messages and follow your soul guidance, grounding it by taking practical actions. It will lead to more magic and aliveness, my Dear Ones, as you allow yourself to go beyond the walls of your mind-prison. Beyond those walls is ultimate freedom, enlightenment, bliss, Samadhi! It is not out of reach, it is already within your cosmic human heart. Allow and ground those transcendental energies within the heart of Mother Earth. Become a channel of the divine in human form. This is what the Fifth Dimension is about, my Dear Ones…enjoy! -

See more at: http://www.gaiamtv.com/blog/gaia-earth-star-weekly-planetary-dance-week-august-25th#sthash.97DKwTMP.dpuf