ceturtdiena, 2016. gada 27. oktobris

Align your chakras for abundance

~ Your life can be a lot easier than it is right now.
If you’re working really hard and not seeing the results of your efforts,... even if you feel like you don’t have options, there is a better way!
When I do readings for clients, I read their energy, and evaluate how their emotions and beliefs are creating their external reality, not the other way around. Once you change your energy, your life transforms beautifully.
Oftentimes, I see clients that have dreams, desires and wishes that are unfilled, because they are stuck in their upper chakras – only thinking and dreaming about a better life.
Your energy body is elegantly designed to experience heaven on earth. Your chakras are the energetic building blocks of your life. When you align and balance your chakras, your life becomes aligned and balanced as well.
That’s why it’s so important,if you are trying to manifest your dreams, to focus on strengthening your lower chakras, which are associated with the physical world.
If you have no idea how to do this, don’t worry! I’ve got you covered! Below are some tools that will help you strengthen your chakras for success.

~ ROOT CHAKRA (located at the base of the spine)
Tribe and community - This chakra is associated with your sense of family, connection and belonging to a group. Just like a tree needs strong roots to grow up toward the light, having a healthy root chakra is the foundation for your well-being. It’s essential for you to feel a sense of community for you to feel protected and secure. If you do not have a group of people where you feel safe to be yourself, and express yourself fully, it can feel impossible for you to get ahead.
Personally, I found my tribe of lightworkers when I signed up for Marie Forleo’s B School. I was amazed that there was so much support for me with people who I could relate to (and count on for anything!). Once I met my soul family there, my whole life blossomed.
I guarantee your soul family is out there waiting for you too. So, go find your tribe!
~ SACRAL CHAKRA (located beneath your naval)
Pleasure and sensuality -It’s amazing to me that one of our most foundational chakras is about having fun and enjoying life! And yet, we’re taught that to get ahead you must work, work work! Yes, work is a part of achieving great things too, so why not have bring more play to your work? Please don’t wait for your job or career to change in order to do things you love. Make it a priority to have fun every day, delight in the beauty around you, and bring joy to everything you do – and you’ll start attracting more joy!
~ SOLAR PLEXUS (located beneath your rib cage)
Self-esteem and self-expression -If you want to succeed in the world, you must allow your own radiance to shine! If you’re concerned with what other’s think of you and shrink from expressing your authentic self, you’re denying the world your light. Instead, imagine yourself radiating love and joy into the world with every thought, word and action, and amp up your wattage as bright as you can. Bring more positive people into your life, and disregard anyone who doesn’t believe in you. Shine like the sun!
These lower chakras are your foundation for success!

You can apply these principles to your home, career, love life, or finances – anything!
If you happen to be in a career where you are looking for your soulful community, want to have more fun in your business and life, and have more confidence to express yourself authentically, I highly recommend you check out Marie Forleo’s free online training @ http://marieforleobschool.com/?orid=77423&opid=125

If you are a healer, creative, or spiritual entrepreneur who wants to know more… I’ve got a lot more to share with you! You can check out my bonus package here: http://www.karisamuels.com/bschoolbonus/, if you decide to enroll in Marie Forleo’s B School through me. Marie will show you how to create a thriving online business, and I will teach you everything I know about energy.
In the meantime, have a beautiful, love-filled week.
Kari Samuels http://www.karisamuels.com/align-chakras-abundance/

Here are some of my favorite Technics to help you align, activate and clear your chakras:

* How to align your Chakras: http://youtu.be/FOkomQSffFU
** Activating your Chakras through the Light Rays by Aeoliah: http://www.facebook.com/l.php…
*** Chakra Clearing with EFThttp://youtu.be/f3hy3P0W2BU
**** Crystal Healing - How to clear, align and balance Your Chakra Energy Centers https://angelladytm.wordpress.com/…/crystal-healing-–-how-…/
***** 3 Physical Moves To Clear Your Chakras And Welcome The Energy Of Wealthhttp://youtu.be/ny-1qyq4uYA
****** Root Chakra (Muladhara) Opening Techniques | Chakra Healing with Carol Tuttlehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXcnddTwoKM
******* How To Open Your Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana) | Chakra Healing With Carol Tuttle http://youtu.be/9wbXknS_IZs
Enjoy and be abundant in every possible divine way :)
<3 ISa:)