ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 18. decembris

5 Steps to Transform Yourself into Higher Self

Everywhere I look these days information is streaming in; all about death, war, pestilence, toxins, destruction, disease..well you get it. It all felt so much out of my control and dis-empowering. Then there is the other side of the spectrum, the world where I perceive my brothers and sisters to reside. The world of unrelenting and all consuming love. Where festivals with uniting music, light, dance, superfoods, acceleration, meditation prevail and the world feels like she is healing through the act of just being. I started crying thinking of how good it feels to just let spirit breath through you in tribal surrounding with like minded lightworkers. I cried because I see mama Gaia our grand mother Earth needs healing and the people who run the planet have lost connection with source with which they seek from others. Most of all I thought how the heck can a bunch of modern hippies bring in the new earth to heal such complex problems?

Then today I had a breakthrough, like the two hemispheres of my brain, the yin and the yang finally harmonized in that cranium of mine and the truth started pouring out inspired by a fantastic interview with Eisenhower’s great granddaughter.

We are living in the grand cleansing. The grand balancing and re-connection. Like an ayahuasca ceremony the universal consciousness is “getting well” spewing and vomiting all that is not welcome or untrue. We are seeing the negativity, the divergence in grand scale and when light permeates a room, when medicine floods the body no shadow or darkness, no disease can exist. Most of us have the memory of choosing to reincarnate on this planet and have done so in remembrance, we remember the rumbling and shaking of transforming reality, we have deliberately chosen to come here in one of the most exciting times in the cosmos, the transmutation of consciousness back to source. I was told the ascension time is held between 2012 and 2017, that the souls that chose to be present during the awaking are in fact awakening themselves. Rubbing our foggy, confused and clouded teary eyes, we ask why and when we can’t find the answer go searching for those people with similar vibration. I am here to finally build the bridge just as I and many others before me have.

 We must merge hemispheres. Let’s start with the newly awakening, you may  feel as though you have accessed a center within that is capable of performing miracles. This then displays itself with a curiosity toward healing with energy and crystals, learning about out of body experience and lucid dreaming, telepathy etcetera. All of these things are true and our complex, diverse DNA is far more capable to abilities we have not even heard of yet. What I am trying to get at most of all is that the true “power” that we as this remembrance race have is to touch the heart, to ignite a ripple effect of heart to crown chakra ascension that will remind others why they have come here. Here is how we balance this: With light and with heart, with listening to our OWN hearts compass alone.

For those of you who have been watching current events, with the internet exposing so much of the agenda to lock the connection to source and acceleration of the human aura, there is a period of time when it can all seem negatively overwhelming. The truth to this is when you put light on any dark situation the dark can no longer exist, the darkness in you or otherwise on the planet can only exist if you give it has a hiding place. Likewise for any human or entity to feed on you or become vampiric or parasitic, there needs to first be the space or opportunity for these entities to feed off of. If you are fully informed and living in the heart space which knows that source is infinite and cannot be destroyed nor harmed because of it’s infinite nature, you have cleansed your auric plane and ignited the supernatural proponents to your angelic DNA. A metaphor would be, for example: eating junk food giving your body more of a burden to cleanse therefore putting your body at higher risk for infection and disease. The same goes for the etheric or astral realms as well. If you dwell in negativity, fear and anger while watching unfolding  current events you are adding fuel to the fire. If these negative entities or even parasitic energies are surrounding you and feeding from darkness like disinformation and fear, this is the vibration they would want to keep you in so you can stay their vibrational host.

Therefore, this is the balancing breakdown to give you an easy mission to start healing the planet today. Simply purging forth fear mongering information to educate the masses with the underlying energies of angry education  is just furthering the agenda your are trying to negate, intense negative energies block us from our ability to access our higher selves decision making. And although staying in the love vibration and a channeling state is better than being in fear or dwelling in anger, by simply escaping to tribal dance festivals, dressing up and chasing your astral superpowers, you are not completely healing and clarifying your space or your environment, which is not your complete mission.

Here are the 5 ways (in my opinion) to start transforming and balancing your aural energies starting today:

1.      Understand that you existing in this reality is supernatural and the more that you hone in on just being in the moment with a pure heart the more you will be able to perform what other perceive as miracles in your daily walk. You won’t have to try to meditate, lucid dream, work with crystals. It will all come to you. Look within. If it resonates you already know it.

2.      Know that you are an infinite being of healing and regenerating light. You are a part of everything, you are part of the whole of information. Find the truth in all matters and know that once the truth is set free, illuminated and you walk in that truth, your spirit is always protected.

3.      Become a walking spirit guide for others. Combine with your light brothers and sisters and take action, go to the festivals but start your own small way of giving and connecting humanity, even if that is just having an accelerating conversation.

4.      Dive deep into self and try to cleanse, understand the hurt and misunderstood facets of all your memories and experiences. You are not these experiences, they do not define you. By healing yourself you become a clearer channel for the grande consciousness to flow through you.

5.      Listen and follow YOUR heart compass AT ALL TIMES. If someone is telling you something or to act upon something and it doesn’t feel right, Don’t do it (even these steps above). Listen to your direction system, this is your soul path calling. The more you listen within the more that is balance without.

I want to close with saying this, you already know everything there is to know because you are literally a fraction of the spiraling whole. Therefore there is no road to enlightenment or ascension, you are hypothetically in universal infinite now. Bask in it. I love you all.

Hi everyone, my name is Jocelyn Daher and I am a team member and writer for Spirit Science. I have been a herbal healing alchemist ever since I was old enough to pretend I was the Dr. Quinn Medicine woman equivalent. I am into studying astrological charts as well as how astrology relates to current events. I was a chiropractic assistant for two years, within that time I received my yoga teacher certification, which now I use as a bookmark but I acquired some neat information on how to direct and play with energy in my body. I see every person as an extension of my family. My passion is reminding humanity how to love, in hopes to ignite the memory that you are in fact a walking embodiment of universal perfection! Did you resonate with this article? If so check out my website at www.jocelyndaher.com <3