pirmdiena, 2014. gada 29. decembris

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, December 29th 2014

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, December 29th 2014
Moon in Aries

It is about the end of the calendar year my Dear Ones...as I have spoken in my previous forecast, the energy is of surrendering and releasing. Perfect timing for the New Year! It is not all joyous on the forefront indeed as we are in the midst of the Pluto/Uranus square which Venus and Mercury already triggered as they transit trough Capricorn and the Sun will follow suit on Saturday, just before the re-activation of the Cardinal Grand Cross by the upcoming Full Moon in Cancer!

So much happening in the Stars my Dear Ones...it is key to breathe deep and become the observer of your life. Allow time in self-reflection, it will be enlightening and will assist you to take constructive actions when the time is right with a clear mind and focused intentions. We already experienced in April this year and this is a bit of a finale we are going through my Dear Ones as the collective North Node in Libra and the Cancer Full Moon on Sunday re-activate this Grand Soul Initiation. Are you still giving your Power away to the "out there", the illusion, or are you connecting with your Soul Self, your Wise and Eternal Self? Are you hanging on to an old version of your Self? Do you move from Fear or Love?

This is what is going to make a difference in how you handle those tests we are collectively going through. The Ascension won't happen if we unconsciously continue to run the same outdated patterns of the Dark Age, if we can't let go of an outdated version of Self. Do you see my point my Dear Ones? Make room for the new YOU! Let go and let Goddess enter your Heart and Soul!
Today, the Pluto-Uranus square will be triggered by the Moon Goddess in Aries, with Pluto in Capricorn (12:09am PST) followed by a square to Mercury (9:19am PST) and then Venus (4:46pm PST) both in Capricorn as well. Whatever happens in your life, know that you can move through any blocks by using the power of your imagination and creativity. There is way through any challenges my Dear Ones and you are the one that have come here to co-create that particular path. See this challenge as an opportunity for soul growth. Be the leader of your own life! If something or someone is not meant to come along at this time on your soul evolution, let it/them go back to the river of Creation. You will know in your Heart and Soul what you need to do...always trust your Self. Attachment is the root of all human suffering...we must learn to willingly let go my Dear Ones with tremendous unconditional love and compassion for oneself and the other, if you can extend it to the other.

The sextile from the Moon Goddess in Aries to Mars in Aquarius (7:54am PST) will empower us to be innovative and tap into the Universal Cosmic Mind to create a new path, to co-create a supportive system of equanimity and freedom for all beings. As you liberate yourself from the shackles of your ego-mind-prison, the control system is crumbling. Let it crumble and do not give any energy into fighting it as it is only part of your own duality/separation/illusion. Let the dogs bark, I can assure you silence will resume as you hold silence within. A meditative mind is key my Dear Ones, it is mandatory to go beyond the 3D illusion. Saturn in Sagittarius is going to make sure you start investing into your Meditative Mind! Rise above the mud and focus on what you can do! It is a mind game my Dear Ones and those who surrender their mind to their Heart and Soul shall lead the way for others to awaken to their own unique and limitless potential of Creation. Who will you choose to be? An empowered co-creator of the Cosmic Mother or a limited being stuck in your own self-created mind-prison? It is serious my Dear Ones, it is time to get it together. We must break through this Earth Quarantine to liberate all beings on Gaia and the work starts within. I have said it before, it won't happen in one day but it will happen faster if you commit to your own soul growth, I can guarantee you. All the energy you spend on the "out there" shall return within for you to awaken.

The trine to Jupiter now retrograde in Leo (12:37pm PST) will again empower us to co-create from the power of our Cosmic Heart, listening to our Heart Wisdom, letting nothing take you away from realizing your full potential as a sovereign human being. Stop playing it small, stop hiding, it truly serves no one. Shine my Dear Ones, as bright as our beloved Sun, it is your birthright to Shine!

More about the Cancer Full Moon in my upcoming Video forecast.

Pleiadian Guided Meditations by Gaia Earth Star to assist your Ascension:http://gaiaearthstar.com/gaia…/product-category/meditations/

Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon, Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guide