otrdiena, 2014. gada 23. decembris

Mindfulness - lieta, ko šobrīd jau praktizē

Interesants video brīvdienām (skat. saiti zemāk) par katra dzīves brīža apzināšanās nozīmi mūsu hipertehnoloģizētajā pasaulē, kurā cilvēks bez saviem "gadžetiem" nevar iztikt pat 15 minūtes, un prāts visu laiku šaudās, domājot vai nu par pagātni vai nākotni.
Mindfulness - lieta, ko šobrīd jau praktizē tāda liela kompānija kā Google (sākot sapulces un konferences ar meditāciju), un kas vienā no ASV štatiem tiek mācīta skolā...

Jon Kabat-Zinn asks you about your mind….

We were thrilled to see this televised piece on 60 Minutes on Sunday, featuring Jon Kabat-Zinn, among others, talking about Mindfulness. In case you missed it, here is the segment shown in its entirety. Be sure you dedicate the time to mindfully appreciate what this episode has to share.

In this journey following reporter Anderson Cooper at a retreat with Jon Kabat-Zinn, he defines mindfulness as being the difference between actually living our lives, versus just unconsciously spending time in our own heads. He challenges us to be present at the time we begin the day, eat, brush our teeth, shower and then head to work. Ask yourself - how many people were in the shower with you this morning? We spend a tremendous amount of time thinking about the past or some future event, rather than appreciating the moment. All of these constant thoughts and unconscious living is building up, and creating what Dr. Judson Brewer from the University of Massachusetts, calls a “societal exhaustion.”

Most importantly though, Jon Kabat-Zinn reminds us that mindfulness practices should not become just one more thing we “have” to do, but to simply become something that we “are.” When we do this, we find that we are actually “living” longer, because we are actually savoring the time we spend being alive.


**Please note, this news item is the property of 60 Minutes and CBS News. Any advertisements are controlled by their company. There are 2 ads that play from the beginning and once complete, the segment plays with no further interruptions.

Ancient wisdom revealed with modern

Clear your mind    Relax your body   Restore your energy