pirmdiena, 2016. gada 30. maijs

This latest ascension passage has shaken us to the core digging deep into the remnants of our karmic attachments

This latest ascension passage has shaken us to the core digging deep into the remnants of our karmic attachments, making us face (in order to let go of -yes, still and again!) of all that is not in alignment with the highest expression of Self, showing us with insistence where outdated emotional investments are causing us to struggle against the easy, beneficial flow and our own best interests.
The good news is -- what we're seeing and feeling - we're releasing! It's not coming up to make us miserable but to make itself known; to let us see what was out of focus; out of harmony, out of balance, out of resonance with the aspiring, ascending heart centered expression of our emerging Self.
Yes, this continues to be a very challenging passage. Because there is so much chaos all around us, the human self gets triggered and begins taking cues from outside circumstances. But ascension is an inner vibrational shift. It is a transformation happening within our hearts and minds but also in every cell of our body. Our very structure, our human blueprint, our DNA is transforming and as the body adapts to the higher vibration we experience a variety of physical and emotional symptoms.
The body holds the imprint, not only from our own "past lives" but from our entire ancestral lineage. That is why, although there are many similarities in ascension symptoms, they are not uniform. The nature of the karmic contraction/restriction, how, and from where in the body it is being dislodged, shapes the symptom. The body matrix is being redesigned; density decreases, light increases. But the resulting fluidity, as multiple timelines are opened up, can feel disorienting.
The thing to remember is that regardless of how much we all want to see outer circumstances and the world at large transform, this is NOT a synchronized collective performance!
If you are at the forefront of this transformation, then you are becoming consistently more sensitive - your are out on the front lines, AHEAD of the changes you desire to see -and which YOU are calling forth through your own vibrational alignments. Do NOT take cues from what you see in the outside world, do not allow yourself to be discouraged because the world does not APPEAR to be responding to your enthusiasm and positive orientation.
In truth it IS very much "responding" and the collective is hanging. It is our sensitivity and our innocence that is delicate and easily provoked into becoming despondent at the sight of "yet another atrocity". The only reason we are seeing more of the negative is because, like within our own psyches the outside world is, ever more publically, regurgitating what needs to be purged.
It is an illusion that there is more negativity; it is our perception that is more sensitized - as it should be, because there IS a vibrational shift happening! Negative events we participate in, whether as a society or as individuals, are just the reflection of what we have not yet seen through "the eyes of the heart". In the process of global awakening we are now witnessing (therefore purging) things hidden in plain view for centuries and millennia. And sure, there are seemingly brand new problems cropping up (particularly in terms of global ecology), but they are just reflections of the same old blindness juxtaposed with the increasing ability of the heart to wake up the mind.
However much we all want to change the world, results are not primary. It's the quality and en-joy-ment of your own path and how much of your Higher Self you are able to embody here that matters most. This is your personal earth walk. The only thing that really matters is how authentically you are making that journey. "Divine Neutrality" Sandra Walter calls it... that IS what is called for. When you are in resonance with your soul's intent for this life, all else falls into place.
I cannot be responsible for what is going on in the world, but I can be responsible for how I react to it. I may not be responsible for what I encounter on my path, but I am responsible for the quality of experience I cultivate within myself. Responsibility is not judgment, blame or guilt for falling short of some spiritual ideal, for not being perpetually blissed out, or for getting depressed at the sight of something that hurts my heart... It's being mindful of my own thoughts and feelings; it's noticing when I fall into the role of victim; it's taking back my power when I catch myself reflecting on how my circumstances are caused by someone else's choices...
As lightworkers we can forget that we are ahead of the vibrational shift we are channeling, and then things can feel out of synch. This past month has been especially challenging for many of us. Along the ascension path there are portals that are particularly intense and this one has had us simultaneously imploding and exploding... We are being configured and reconfigured by a potent astrology that is "rebooting and upgrading [us] to a new operating system", writes Lorna Bevan
In these exponentially accelerating times, the question is not so much what changes are visible in the outside world, but rather, how well are we keeping up with the upgrades to our own operating systems? Change requires adaptation. That is what it's about --our capacity to understand and adapt to the changes that ARE happening. The 5D operating system is on-line, just waiting for us to notice. But to see something different requires a different way of seeing.
We live in a world of energy masquerading as a solid, material world. It's a sophisticated dance of illusion that, from the higher perspective of soul requires the same "willing suspension of disbelief" that keeps theatergoers riveted to the action of a play. Forgetfulness is what keeps us earnestly involved in our personal and collective earth dramas and allows us to grow through the lessons that we (as soul) set up for ourselves on the other side of the veil.
We are in a massive awakening, at the point where boundaries of consensus beliefs are increasingly challenged, stretched, even broken. The more firmly in place a consensus belief is held, the more difficult it is to break out of that collectively affirmed reality. The more we, as individuals, shift our perception and beliefs as to what is possible, the more malleable a previously "fixed" reality becomes.
It's an ongoing, highly sophisticated and complex drama of "suspension of disbelief" vs. "disclosure". Pushing the boundaries of what we are capable of perceiving as reality, allows for amazing new possibilities to open up. But the unknown and uncertainty of what is next can also bring up a lot of anxiety, particularly during a passage such as this one which called for such a deep layer of personal restructuring.
But the good news is that all the inner reconfiguring and release of personal and ancestral karmic remnants, bubbling up and fizzling out through our emotional body in a parade of feelings, visions and memories -some conscious, some unconscious- opened us up to a completely new way of being.
The resulting spaciousness invites new opportunities as we move into a period more supportive of outward action. Stop compromising. Honor your own values. Both your own sacred Earth journey and the collective of this ascending planet can best be served by your most authentic and self supporting expression.
Go for it! Be yourself! Let in only what reflects the true knowing of your heart.
~ Eyona Cvitanwww.evolutionaryearthascending.com
Evolutionary Earth Ascending