Nervous System Recalibration
In this biological morphogenesis, the nervous system is being rebuilt. We are receiving a new electrical system that is wired differently so that we can operate from different grids of attunement and vibrate faster.
Complimentary Enrollment in Morphogenesis
It is a time of extreme vulnerability as we are completely emptied and the human consciousness learns a brand new way of perceiving.
Once you say YES to the consciousness shift and really go for it, this all happens quite quickly. It becomes very important to place a lot of focus on cultivating your still point so that you can move through your morphogenesis without fear and resistance. When resistance drops, our density drops and the old programs cease to really work.
In this biological morphogenesis, the nervous system is being rebuilt. We are receiving a new electrical system that is wired differently so that we can operate from different grids of attunement and vibrate faster.
This can be extremely intense, especially with those people who are neurologically sensitive or in others who have imbalances in the physical, emotional or mental bodies. These types of changes always come with phases of detoxification. It can be both physical and energetic as we constantly clear out the old database that upholds fear programming.
With our intention upon DNA activation, there is a lot of shifting activity in this regard as well. The DNA stores a lot of genetic information that has been passed down from our ancestors. Since the currents of the nervous system are changing, many things are being loosened from their familiar footholds including our DNA encodings.
Elements from past plagues may come to the surface to be cleansed. Sometimes you may feel the DNA imprinting moving through you. For example, it can be arthritis that your father held. It can be a virus that your mother had. As these genetic patterns move through your blood, you may actually feel the same ailments that your parents felt. It can be felt but it is not actually really you! It will probably not even be diagnosable.
With a new nervous system integrating, there can be greater occurrences of body flinching, twitching and other nerve patterns as the body is trying to assimilate the higher frequencies.
Our equilibrium can be affected, we might feel dizzy or off balance at times. There can be assorted pains and discomforts or feeling disconnected to your physical body. If your nerves are experiencing energy overload, you may not be able to digest the foods in the same way.
The other thing that can happen is any number of our spinal vertebrae can shift out of place. When this happens, there a loss of normal nerve function and this can pull us right out of body homeostasis.
I hope that you are getting a good picture here. We definitely need to take care of and nurture our energy body especially during intense phases of morphogenesis.
I am next going to share some natural solutions to Nervous System recalibration…
This is an excerpt from the MORPHOGENESIS:
Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness.
Complimentary enrollment with more than 60 podcast episodes.
Complimentary Enrollment in Morphogenesis
It is a time of extreme vulnerability as we are completely emptied and the human consciousness learns a brand new way of perceiving.
Once you say YES to the consciousness shift and really go for it, this all happens quite quickly. It becomes very important to place a lot of focus on cultivating your still point so that you can move through your morphogenesis without fear and resistance. When resistance drops, our density drops and the old programs cease to really work.
In this biological morphogenesis, the nervous system is being rebuilt. We are receiving a new electrical system that is wired differently so that we can operate from different grids of attunement and vibrate faster.
This can be extremely intense, especially with those people who are neurologically sensitive or in others who have imbalances in the physical, emotional or mental bodies. These types of changes always come with phases of detoxification. It can be both physical and energetic as we constantly clear out the old database that upholds fear programming.
With our intention upon DNA activation, there is a lot of shifting activity in this regard as well. The DNA stores a lot of genetic information that has been passed down from our ancestors. Since the currents of the nervous system are changing, many things are being loosened from their familiar footholds including our DNA encodings.
Elements from past plagues may come to the surface to be cleansed. Sometimes you may feel the DNA imprinting moving through you. For example, it can be arthritis that your father held. It can be a virus that your mother had. As these genetic patterns move through your blood, you may actually feel the same ailments that your parents felt. It can be felt but it is not actually really you! It will probably not even be diagnosable.
With a new nervous system integrating, there can be greater occurrences of body flinching, twitching and other nerve patterns as the body is trying to assimilate the higher frequencies.
Our equilibrium can be affected, we might feel dizzy or off balance at times. There can be assorted pains and discomforts or feeling disconnected to your physical body. If your nerves are experiencing energy overload, you may not be able to digest the foods in the same way.
The other thing that can happen is any number of our spinal vertebrae can shift out of place. When this happens, there a loss of normal nerve function and this can pull us right out of body homeostasis.
I hope that you are getting a good picture here. We definitely need to take care of and nurture our energy body especially during intense phases of morphogenesis.
I am next going to share some natural solutions to Nervous System recalibration…
This is an excerpt from the MORPHOGENESIS:
Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness.
Complimentary enrollment with more than 60 podcast episodes.