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This talk is about the possibility that the Solar System belongs to the territory of a hypercivilization spanning our galaxy or a large region of it. I will start introducing the Fermi Paradox (why we do not see aliens around?) and some of its solutions. Then I will present my own solution which includes two proposals called the Subanthropic Principle and the Undetectability Conjecture. This solution states that, at present, all typical galaxies like ours are already colonized by very advanced technological civilizations spread through large regions or the whole galaxies, many of them containing primitive subcivilizations like ours. After discussing some consequences of this solution for our planet and our civilization I will make some comments on recent, very popular theories in the scientific community of Particle Physics and Cosmology. These theories, known as ‘brane worlds’, assume that our visible Universe with three space dimensions is embedded in a much larger Cosmos with more space dimensions. Therefore it would be most natural if other universes would also exist located along the extra space dimensions. As a result, these theories open up enormous possibilities regarding the visitation or colonization of the Solar System by alien civilizations, strengthening the Fermi Paradox. Finally, in the appendix I have included some questions and answers that came up during this Forum.
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