svētdiena, 2016. gada 6. marts

Eclipse is around the corner, expanding the DNA strands and pushing the all leftover old patterns out from the system.

Eclipse is around the corner, expanding the DNA strands and pushing the all leftover old patterns out from the system. Adding the rainbow light codes and high amount of Photon, making everything more speedy; more stuff could come out from the old and they will until we no longer recognize what they mean. Stay in the colorful flow of expansion within, push out the unnecessary victim paradigm habits like:
*putting yourself down too low to put yourself up again: playing the duality polarizations within: mind control: limited perception and slowing the evolution and high cognition of space and creation.
*Judging yourself and others by keeping everything separated so you could feel less guilty inside about your soul education here.
*Any low dense emotions and reactions as our reflex: shame, guilt, worst, negative, competing, fearing, intense push and pull sudden reactions, allergies, poverty consciousness (this creates more competition and feeling inferior or superior among each other)....etc.
These low frequent old patterns will be highlighted and what comes out will be very heavy for the new upgraded self. Because the new light codes are not keeping anything within that is forcing us to stay in this frequency therefore we cannot cope with these too long within and around us.
We have to play the game with the new system and according to these new upgrades. Upgrades contains: acknowledgement: seeing the shadow & repeated patterns, inner polarity, self-sabotage, releasing the victim paradigm and more. So if you are reacting more and realizing more just because you are cleansing and realizing these low frequent patterns now, that's why you might feel on the spot. Keep your observing mode on and take every situation as your chance to see where you are. Only mind wants to keep us in the time and the limitation. If you have many stuff coming out just let yourself see from that neutral observer mode so you won't get stuck feeling this is you all along.
Keep in mind that we are here to educate our souls, so let's say when you are in 3rd grade you cannot cry about how bad or less educated you were when you were in 2nd grade. See, we are constantly moving further so are our lessons. Only the mind control can keep us busy with these. Keep focusing on what it is feeling amazing and new instead of putting yourself on a pedal of "fixing mode" of the mind. Which was valid before for our education but after you recognize and acknowledge the issues, you automatically moving to the next level of "what needs to be done" level. More we are evolved, whatever that needed fixing or acknowledgement sets the realization so that you could see that you are no longer on that level anymore. Once you know there is an issue, then next level is focusing on or working on what needs to be done for the next level. Evolution cannot go back. Even though, mind loves to play with things by rewinding, pausing, fast-forwarding mode, soul knows that we are always improving and moving forward (higher self is always guiding and watching over the soul evolution) and keep getting better.
Stay in the now when you get lost in the mind as mind is evolving with us as our soul consciousness moves forward. As well as our human self. We take the mind with us but we have to re-program the patterns that were valid (for the educational purposes) in the victim paradigm and duality but now the whole system needs upgrade to move up to the next curriculum.
Remember, your higher self always with you and guiding you like your GPS within. It re-routes the path sometimes and always keeping us forward towards our best educational stage here. So what it is mind/ego is gaining has a little thing to do with this. Focus on education if your mind is keeping you busy with how much worldly stuff you are gaining or false sense of feeling superior than others. One way or another you could see that what mind is keeping you busy with will not bring the same joy that what your soul is here to do. So think from that level and see if you are struggling so much with what it is that you are learning the best from, as well. And more you are clear on this path with your GPS the more the connection will be clearer. So meditate, get busy with the new, work on your new self bringing everything with ease instead of pain or hardship.
Enjoy your new NOW. Balance the self between what it is that you are learning & mastering AND what it is that you are creating, enjoying and just being. Discerning and adjusting your path will keep you on the flow. This also means,mastering how you spend your energy with what?, how and where?
This came up yesterday: "Inventors are one side and the followers on the other side....from NOW on." ..... Discernment and adjustment, keeping polishing your path.
So much Love,
Denize Sarikoz