pirmdiena, 2016. gada 11. jūlijs

we are now receiving a downpour of activations , attainments ,keys and codes under the guidance of the Divine Feminine

A Tale of Divine Feminine-Lion people - Dragon Energy-Diamond ,Blue and Emerald Codes

Post Solstice/ Sun - Sirius Conjunct we are now receiving a downpour of activations , attainments ,keys and codes under the guidance of the Divine Feminine , Lion people of Sirius and Dragon forces.

The Blue Light of Sirius activating the High Heart and facilitating the integration with the Heart Chakra, which activates our Sacred Diamond Heart Codes which connects us to the Diamond Grid of
...Gaia. With this connection in place Mother Gaia sends up her Emerald Codes to heal , strengthen and energise our Hara. Which further helps in energising our physical body, our vessel of incarnation assumed at this point in time for a Specific Purpose.... personal and planetary Ascension .

So while the Dragon energies are purging us and the planet at deep cellular levels with their purification Fires,we are simultaneously also moving into our Power, Integrity and our Soul Purpose via our Hara.

What we can expect to experience is Heart expansion and activation, Throat clearing and upgradation, Third eye is being upgraded to Divya-Drishti ie divine sigh to see the Truth through the Veils of illusion ( expect red and itchy physical eyes) and Sacral clearing (whatever remnants remain as we have already experienced much clearing in our sexual organs prior to solstice) and Crown Chakras activations to strengthen our connection with Source.

Also if you are experiencing activity in your Hara area , it could also indicate releasing of toxic karmic patterns. Take this opportunity to release these patterns with problematic people and events in your life. Once done you may noticeably experience a lighter feeling and a perception of suddenly having lost weight/ fat around your Hara!!