otrdiena, 2015. gada 13. oktobris
You Are Ascending ~Archangel Orion
"The challenges you are currently experiencing are part of your ascension path. Ascension in its simplest terms is choosing love over fear, and in every moment, you have the opportunity to choose.
The ascension process is closely tied with clearing fears, integrating limitations, and releasing densities. You complete this work consciously through ascension practices, commitment, and focus.
Alternatively, it can... be triggered by external factors, outside experiences, and events.
When you learn the lesson, face your fear, and integrate the lesson, you’re able to transmute the fear energy along with the corresponding vibrations of dense emotion, which have come up for you to release.
This release creates a void that you invite light into, which catapults you into experiencing the higher vibrational emotions like love, peace, gratitude, compassion, and joy. You feel and experience increased light.
You forgive the people tied to your past fear and lesson. And you feel gratitude and compassion for their role, and honor their part, as well as yours, in the process. Gratitude, love, and compassion create further expansion within your energy.
Your physical body is raised in vibration, your DNA activates, and you align with a new level of love, acceptance, and balance. The level of light you are able to hold increases.
A new level of harmony, synchronicity, and understanding unfolds as you move through the ascension process and actually shift or ascend into a higher dimensional experience.
More and more people awaken based on the ripple effect you create. And from within the old, a new paradigm of consciousness emerges."
~Card Drawn from the Ascension Angel Cards by Melanie Beckler.. NEW App Coming Soon!