svētdiena, 2015. gada 25. oktobris

Gaia Earth Star Goddess Empowerment

Gaia Earth Star Goddess Empowerment
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers,

The Sun has now entered mysterious deep Scorpio and there is no other way than going deep with this energy. Scorpio is the energy that takes us into our shadow self so we can transmute lower frequency such as manipulation, control, possessiveness, jealousy and so forth, through the Light of our Soul. Do not be surprised if those frequencies are being highlighted in your reality. This is simply your Soul offering you an opportunity to choose Love over fear. I was telling a brother this morning for whom I was channeling that by clearing and transmuting the frequency of guilt and self-doubt within his being he would assist the whole of existence as all is one and as more of our sisters and brothers are committing to their inner work, we truly manifest the new frequency paradigm of the 5th Dimensional Earth of Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness. Do not think that your life does not matter as it truly does! Each time you choose love which allows, over fear which contracts, you assist the Ascension of your brothers and sisters. Each time, say to yourself VICTORY! and when you struggle, just allow the struggle as resistance simply announces your near breakthrough. All that happens in your reality, your dream, has for purpose to empower you, this is always our choice.

The Moon Goddess now in Pisces opposing Jupiter, Mars and Venus in Virgo and coming to conjunction with Chiron in Pisces is reminding us there is no victim. Realize that whatever scenario you are re-playing in your dream is another opportunity brought by your Soul, therefore you, to free you from the ego-mind-prison. Have you ever been in a situation where you find yourself in a scenario which you consciously said to yourself, I will never do this again, and there you are, playing the same scenario again, just with different actors/actresses. This is called a self-sabotaging patterns. The first thing to free yourself from it, is to become aware you are where you are. You cannot move from a place where you do not even know where it is. By simply bringing conscious awareness you start letting your subconscious know you are not available for this, NOT INTERESTED, THANK YOU! And there you have it, you have freed yourself from it. This is the game of awareness in the sea of infinite possibilities. I remind you that you have the power all along, it is simply a matter of when you are going to choose to hold and own that power of sovereign co-creator of the Goddess, on a mission on Earth for the Liberation of All!

The Sun in Scorpio is assisting us to free ourselves from unhealthy emotional attachment. We cannot ask another to love us more than we can love ourselves, can we? You are all that there is and ever will be, start loving yourself! Apply forgiveness to those situations that might still be haunting you, use Life Regression Meditation and see this pattern completely dissolve back into the One Heart of our beloved Mother Goddess, Mother of All Creation. Another healing tool you can use is the ho'oponopono: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. I like using this Goddess Affirmation: All is forgiven, all is set free to the burning fire of Unconditional Love.

You can do Magic by loving yourself unconditionally, by asking your Soul why you are feeling the way you feel, what is your Soul trying to show you about yourself? Again, whatever you might find, apply radical self-love and see your reality align with the frequency of Self-love. Remember, there is no one to blame, this is the paradigm of duality which is an illusion. That is only a mind construct from our ego-mind-prison. The Soul knows all is ONE and all are but an opportunity to loving ourselves unconditionally and serving one another by choosing to shine the Light of our Soul without any conditions attached. This is not a utopia my beloved Sisters and Brothers this is simply the process of Ascension and the frequency of the New Earth where I vibrate from. I see and feel you ascending, shining the Light of your Soul unto ALL in this dimension and Beyond, And So it is! Amen!
I suggest the following Pleiadian Transmissions:
Pleiadian Ascension Oracle – Compassion Ray…/pleiadian-ascension-oracle-comp…/

Mother Goddess Blessings
Pleiadian Goddess Magdalene of the New Earth!
High Priestess Queen of Avalon
Soul Astrologer