trešdiena, 2015. gada 28. oktobris

Gaia Earth Star Goddess Magdalene Empowerment

Gaia Earth Star Goddess Magdalene Empowerment
My Beloved Sisters and Brothers,

Today the Moon Goddess in Taurus will trine Venus and Mars both in Virgo empowering us to use our unique gifts, talents and abilities to serve our Sisters and Brothers from the Heart of the Goddess herself, Mother Earth. Trust that you will always be provided as you align with your Divine Life Mission! I remember when Mother Earth called me to Sedona in March 2013, I had to leave everything behind even though I was serving the Teachings of the Master Yogi Bhajan in a Kundalini Yoga of Los Angeles and had the recognition and all the rest of it. I thought I had it all together then and...well, well, well, my Soul had another Twist and Turn! Mother Earth called me and even though I resisted until the last minute, I jumped in my Golden Goddess Chariot with some crystals, a gong, some clothes and off I drove all night to magical Sedona which I never visited in this life. My car was literally driving herself, she was so excited! I arrived at 4am and saw the outline of this Majestic Space Ship called Thunder Mountain, the Stars were glowing and my Soul said "This is HOME". Tears come to my eyes as I still feel this longing to return. I did not know I would be moving when I arrived but my Soul knew all along the way.

Couple hours later I attended the second day event of Pleiadian Channeled Barbara Marciniack and the rest is history. I remember I asked her about the energy of Kundalini and she was not keen on talking about it. I thought it was interesting as this is what the Human Ascension process is about, the rising of our Kundalini. I was grateful for her sharing and reconnecting with my Pleiadian Origins. Her event happened at this beautiful yoga center which had a beautiful garden and I happened to become the Fairy Caretaker of the Garden for the next couple months, starting to channel at night from the Pleiades after taking care of the garden . This is what Mother Earth said to me: Sit and start channeling. Hummm, Ok Mother, sure thing and again the rest is History. Oh yes, and the money went down very quickly of course! I remember one of those hot afternoon I was sitting in the red rocks by Bell Rock and I was crying, I did not know how I would make it. Major root chakra clearing I was being assisted by Mother Earth.
I reached out to some family and friends who sent some money which was for me a BIG thing to do as I always was so independent. And of course, after a little while, you call it "transition", things got better...I soon after started offering Soul Channelings as that gift had been reactivated, which I offered for free for couple months. I remember how happy I was after each channeling! This assisted me to keep the faith at some point I will be able to be supported as I served with my Spiritual Gifts and Abilities and indeed I started charging for my Spiritual Services and people started booking, valuing what I offered and it continues! You have got to believe in yourself and value yourself. And you have got to TRUST.

For me, there is no other option that following my true Heart and Soul Desires, so in a way it makes it easier even though I won't lie to you, there has been moments of fear and insecurity which is truly part of the path of self-mastery and freedom. When you start awakening, there is no security, it simply does not exist! The ego-mind-prison creates a false sense of security. The Soul does not need it as it dwells in ultimate freedom. The only security we have is that deep in our Soul we know we are where we are meant to be, doing what we are meant to do because it feels right in our Heart. And indeed, it does take courage. Know that you have this courage and it is my prayer that you rise to your true self, loving yourself all along the way, sharing your unique gifts, talents and abilities, assisting the co-creation of our beloved NEW EARTH. Amen, and so it is!

The other day, as I was leaving Chalice Well, a brother stopped to give me way and as we exchanged a smile I felt guided to ask if we knew each other. He said, I have seen you around and appreciate your radiance. May I ask what do you practice? he asked. I looked at him not knowing what to say for a moment...He said "Goddess Worship?" I replied "No! only honoring the Goddess, no worship". And then I thought to myself, what do I practice and there it was, my Soul happily replied "Self-Love!" My inner child self was giggling and sharing an even brighter smile with my brother. He was like "wow!", almost like he never thought about it, but as I said that, his Soul was lighting him UP. Yes, Self-Love is my daily practice.

It is not about knowing it All, that is not the point, at least not to me, it is about loving myself unconditionally, keeping my Heart open and sharing my experiences with you beloved Sisters and Brothers trusting it is inspiring your own path of awakening. And realize that there is no path, the path is the one you are walking and have been walking and will walk, it is unique to you and you are threading it every NOW moment. There is no path! Feel the liberation from this! You are the path! As Ghandi said: "Be the Change you wish to see in the World". Let us keep the focus within so we can feel and hear the guidance of our Soul, of the Goddess and when you do not hear it, know that you are always watched over, loved, supported and divinely guided. All always works out, it always does <333
Sending my Unconditional Love from the Heart of Mother Goddess Always <777
I trust you allowed the intensity of the Full Moon, always intense when you deal with Scorpio energies, to settle within your reality. I have been guided to offer one of my Healing Service called NEW EARTH Crystalline Transmission Healing for Ascension and Light body Activation at a special price as I love giving MORE as my birth-day approaches next Moon-day! I always chose the path of Service as it is truly the most rewarding on a soul level. There will be more goodies coming your way if you wish to receive them.
You can enter "Ascension" at checkout to receive my Goddess offering. I really enjoy the Remote Healing Sessions and it is my blessing to be able to facilitate your Ascension in a nurturing way from the Heart of the Goddess herself as I only allow her Healing Energies to flow through me to YOU!
If you feel out of balance, go to Mother Earth she will share her magic with you, just remember to say Thank you and offer her your love and support. Mother Earth is alive, she is the Goddess <333 I love you Mother <333…/new-earth-crystalline-transmiss…/
If you desire a Soul Channeling via Skype or in person in Glastonbury to assist you on your ASCENSION kindly email and visit

Gaia Earth Star
Pleiadian Goddess Magdalene of the New Earth!
High Priestess Queen of Avalon
Soul Astrologer