sestdiena, 2015. gada 3. oktobris

... We've entered the time of "tests"...

Okay everyone... We've entered the time of "tests"... These are huge, as realities are aligning bigtime, everything is off during this, old old old may creep up.... These things occur to see what you will believe and do...
After huge blast of light, every mass awakening (and yes, we've been going through these for years), everyone is tested to see what they still believe, what they will allow, entertain... and where they are still human.
When a human reality presents, where you are human, you will go right back into that. Fear and any other human lack emotion will emerge for you to release. Anything out of alignment or unresolved in your world will present. Anything that can knock you off balance from inside can occur... You have to be present and conscious enough to realize this is what is going on and RIGHT NOW WE ARE IN THE INSTANTANEOUS VIBRATIONS, where the Universal Slap is huge... (it makes a 2x4 look itty bitty teeny weeny small)....
Game time's over... yet fun comes in it's place... The old human game is done..... it's up to each to BE PRESENT (can I say that loud enough?) and make a choice... get off the fence... let it go, quickly, and move UP in vibration... into the higher dimension with absolutely everything you do, say, think....
If you are triggered.... get it out... it was an old program in your body. We have some huge things that may be about to go down... you do not want to be playing in the Old Consciousness Earth.... WE don't live there anymore.
BEYOND AWESOME IS there.... not awesome is too... it's the fork in the road... WE are talking Universal Split beyond anything we've seen before ....
There are alot of confused people right now... and that's the point. Confusion is a sign of one waking up. Questioning everything, nothing makes sense, nothing works or looks like it was expected... this is how this journey is. The more human, the harder it appears/is....
AS a WayShower, you/WE are all responsible for maintaining our space in light. For holding the higher vibrations and realities in place. When an old program presents, presence is the only way to see it. Navigational tools and inner guidance are how one does this journey...
The fence has dissolved and one of the forks in the road has closed... There is only one way to BE Light. There will be challenges... it's what you do that matters....
Every reality has a multitude of amazing outcomes. These become available when we let go of our old attachments, fixed beliefs and open up to more than we could ever understand or see.
Your belief.... your action... your energy... creates reality.
WE've gone beyond anything ever experienced before.... Whether you can see it or not. This is a journey that is created vibrationally. It materializes in vibration.
There is a period where everything looks like the old reality....This is how the illusion/holgoram works... Holding the belief, the knowing and the higher vibration is how the NEW REALITIES ARRIVE... ♥ ♥ ♥
I love you... and observe realities for what they are... Set your realities straight.... Impeccable is the word that comes through.... ∞
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
WayShower and Light Embodiment Guide, Author, Sacred Sirian TruthSayer... — in Kilauea, Hawaii.