Such a rich stream of comments on last night's post about Venus entering 0
Virgo, the degree where she'll soon make the deep dive into the invisible sky
-- the ...dive that will allow life, and love, to become new again.
The comments were so rich that they deserve a post all their own in response.
Perhaps the theme that struck me most deeply about your heartfelt responses
to Venus' upcoming retrograde, beginning soon in this ancient, timeless degree
of Cosmic Feminine power, is one that is very familiar to me in my own
experience of Venus. It's the way that love and loss, joy and sorrow, wonder
and terror, are all bound up in our deepest experiences of Her. This is
something the ancients knew as well.
Just think for a moment about what Inanna -- and her later version,
Persephone, whose energy is deeply linked to Virgo (and both of them are
expressions of Venus) -- experienced: descent beneath life's sunny surface, to
the Underworld, where all the mysteries of transformation occur. Every
experience of death brings an encounter with fear. Letting go of everything, in
order to become something else, is no small feat.
What Venus carries is not separate from you. She's part of you. And her
essence is this unfathomable, timeless mystery of transformation. Loss is part
of it. Not to break your heart, but to initiate you into the Great Mystery at
the heart of the Cosmos -- and the heart of you.
The 13 days of Venus' station is such a powerful expression of the
energetic coherence of the Universe -- for 13 is the sacred number of the
Goddess. 13 lunations in the lunar year. 13 phases in Venus' cycle. And 13 days
of her retrograde station, wherever it occurs.
Nowhere is the mystery that Venus' retrograde embodies more profound than
in Virgo. According to one Greek myth, the constellation of the Virgin Goddess
appeared in the sky the first time that Persephone returned to the Underworld
after her reunion with her mother -- to comfort her and remind her that the
daughter was ever near and always returning.
Virgo is the state from which Persephone began, and to which she returned,
more profoundly and completely new each time. She lost her innocence. She lost
her illusions. She burned off the dross. And so do we, star peeps. So do we.
This is what our world needs from us, more than ever -- the secret medicine
that only Venus can bring. She brings it to us, and through us. heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon