People become depressed when they no longer choose to express themselves. We literally de-press or re-press our negative thoughts, emotions and feelings - creating energetic blocks within our systems - which shuts down our ability to FLOW energy.
Humans are naturally expressive beings. Any negative energy that arises in our beings needs to be looked at, fully felt and allowed to flow through our beings (expressed) so we can release it. This does not mean we explode on others and act irrationally - if we do, that is a sign for us that our repressed stored negative energy has taken control over our behaviors and we need to heal the inner shadows within or they will wreak havoc in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
What we resist, persists - our negative energy literally gets put in a deal with later folder within our subconscious minds. This festering negative energy is like a magnet that will continue to bring to us or attract repetitive negative situations - until we finally surrender to our inner negativity and face the darkness within. At some point on our souls journeys we will need to get real with ourselves and take the time to do some inner excavation of the inner terrain within so we can stop projecting our hidden issues onto everything and everyone outside of ourselves.
In order to express our negativity without creating additional karma for ourselves, we need to allow it to rise to the surface within our beings so we can heal it and FEEL it. Private time, journaling, inner reflection, meditation and daily silence is imperative for us to truly "know thyself." If we keep ourselves overly busy with constant distractions and we continue to "numb ourselves" with external substances, we will never be able to discover what is truly within - and our external lives and everything going on around us will reflect this.
Soul transformation and transmutation is dirty work. Many people will "intellectually" awaken and begin the ascension journey, but when they start to uncover what is within - they will stop. They will then become absorbed in the glamour and illusions of the 3D world and they will look externally of themselves for the reasons why their lives are not what they had hoped they would become when they started (but did not finish) the spiritual journey. These people will project all of their issues onto everyone else and refuse to look at the cosmic mirrors, the judgments, distorted beliefs and repressed negativities within themselves. Only the strong, committed, patient, brutally honest and dedicated spiritual aspirants will actually acquire an "energetic" awakening - which occurs only when people have done the inner work necessary to purify, balance and align their souls with their higher selves.
Intellectual awakening means nothing. Spiritual teachings and information are beautiful tools to help us truly awaken, but if we are not careful we will get caught up in the "mind candy". Being consumed with "information" has the potential to take away the actual EXPERIENCE of the great work. The great work is soul alchemy - it is the process of turning our inner darkness (lead) into the gold energy of kundalini awakening where our higher self (christ self) descends into matter (the physical body) and takes dominion over our egoic/lower selves.
The great work is not to know the divine "intellectually," but to become it - "energetically" and in order to do this we will have to get real with ourselves and all the distortions within so we can heal them. For we can not heal what we refuse to look at, and our divine selves can not take up residence in a congested, energetically blocked system.
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in." Revelations 3:20
The "Raise Your Vibration" book and the "How To Raise Your Vibration" Facebook page and blogs are dedicated to reminding and inspiring humanity of the great work that must be done in order to achieve illumination. It is good to receive information that is focused on tools that will help us transform ourselves but these tools mean nothing if they are not applied and fully integrated into our beings.
The "Raise Your Vibration" book can be purchased on in a paperback or kindle format all over the world. You can also purchase a signed and blessed copy form me at:
Humans are naturally expressive beings. Any negative energy that arises in our beings needs to be looked at, fully felt and allowed to flow through our beings (expressed) so we can release it. This does not mean we explode on others and act irrationally - if we do, that is a sign for us that our repressed stored negative energy has taken control over our behaviors and we need to heal the inner shadows within or they will wreak havoc in our lives and in the lives of those around us.
What we resist, persists - our negative energy literally gets put in a deal with later folder within our subconscious minds. This festering negative energy is like a magnet that will continue to bring to us or attract repetitive negative situations - until we finally surrender to our inner negativity and face the darkness within. At some point on our souls journeys we will need to get real with ourselves and take the time to do some inner excavation of the inner terrain within so we can stop projecting our hidden issues onto everything and everyone outside of ourselves.
In order to express our negativity without creating additional karma for ourselves, we need to allow it to rise to the surface within our beings so we can heal it and FEEL it. Private time, journaling, inner reflection, meditation and daily silence is imperative for us to truly "know thyself." If we keep ourselves overly busy with constant distractions and we continue to "numb ourselves" with external substances, we will never be able to discover what is truly within - and our external lives and everything going on around us will reflect this.
Soul transformation and transmutation is dirty work. Many people will "intellectually" awaken and begin the ascension journey, but when they start to uncover what is within - they will stop. They will then become absorbed in the glamour and illusions of the 3D world and they will look externally of themselves for the reasons why their lives are not what they had hoped they would become when they started (but did not finish) the spiritual journey. These people will project all of their issues onto everyone else and refuse to look at the cosmic mirrors, the judgments, distorted beliefs and repressed negativities within themselves. Only the strong, committed, patient, brutally honest and dedicated spiritual aspirants will actually acquire an "energetic" awakening - which occurs only when people have done the inner work necessary to purify, balance and align their souls with their higher selves.
Intellectual awakening means nothing. Spiritual teachings and information are beautiful tools to help us truly awaken, but if we are not careful we will get caught up in the "mind candy". Being consumed with "information" has the potential to take away the actual EXPERIENCE of the great work. The great work is soul alchemy - it is the process of turning our inner darkness (lead) into the gold energy of kundalini awakening where our higher self (christ self) descends into matter (the physical body) and takes dominion over our egoic/lower selves.
The great work is not to know the divine "intellectually," but to become it - "energetically" and in order to do this we will have to get real with ourselves and all the distortions within so we can heal them. For we can not heal what we refuse to look at, and our divine selves can not take up residence in a congested, energetically blocked system.
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in." Revelations 3:20
The "Raise Your Vibration" book and the "How To Raise Your Vibration" Facebook page and blogs are dedicated to reminding and inspiring humanity of the great work that must be done in order to achieve illumination. It is good to receive information that is focused on tools that will help us transform ourselves but these tools mean nothing if they are not applied and fully integrated into our beings.
The "Raise Your Vibration" book can be purchased on in a paperback or kindle format all over the world. You can also purchase a signed and blessed copy form me at: