svētdiena, 2015. gada 6. decembris


By Lisa Transcendence Brown, 12/03/2015
Can you walk in multiple dimensions and balance them all from inside. Can you see them all and choose the ones you desire to walk in, the ones you want to experience and bring forth here? Can you see the ones you do not desire any longer and just let them go? Do you hold on and "suffer" or do you see that as you release your attachments, perceived needs, lack energy and fears of safety and survival that there is so much more waiting to come forth that doesn't work within those same limiting constraints anymore?

The old realities were safe, because as humans that's all we knew. It's what we believed, because we could see it, feel it, touch it and because we had "tangible physical proof".

NEW Earth Existence is the opposite, which is why it's harder to understand or even believe already exists. NEW Earth comes from inside of us and as we go inside, sift through the untruths, cleanse and purify our own distortions, our actual physical body upgrades in Light and as it does, our vision continually is adjusted to see our NEW PHYSICAL REALITY, which is another dimensional plane where multiple dimensions exist, becomes visible all around us. It is beautiful, magnificent, more colorful, vibrant and interactive. It's free, peaceful and there is no fear here. There's no external fight, struggle or devastation anymore. Yet to come to exist ON NEW EARTH, each must choose where they truly want to live. Each must commit their entire existence to their journey. There is no other way to arrive here.

Purification, focused energy, total presence and an open heart-mind. Not believing keeps all held to the lower dimensions where everything collapses faster now.

We BECOME holographic programmers and intentional projectors of that hologram out there. We MASTER ENERGY AS ENERGY. WE intentionally activate programs and parallels to play. We bring forth our holographic realities that we hold inside and we activate portals/vortexes and we continually walk through them. WE hold so much light that it's easy here. We've done the work, and we continue to, in every moment. We affect every dimension intentionally from this one right here. Our field of consciousness is so huge, we exist in all timelines at once here. This is a natural way of existing that we all EVOLVE BACK INTO.

I have many ask how to hear, how to see, how to understand. It takes opening totally up. Every particle of you. Every fiber of you. And continually being ready for everything to change, instantly, and the human aspect does not do well with this. It's fear of losing control keeps it held to the old timelines. It's fear of loss does too. It's fear of the unknown, which is more amazing, brilliant, exquisite and magnificent than the human aspect can see. It's the embracing the unknown, that which makes no logical sense, creating a relationship with your own higher selves and allowing them/your universe to show you, tell you, guide you and run your show for you. Literally, this program, this show... the hologram out there. It will transpire FOR YOU when you let go and allow it.

It takes your total dedication, commitment and you investing in you. It means taking a vested interest and participating, desiring to participate in the journey, letting go of any victim mentality that anything was ever done "to" you. It's taking responsibility for every moment, every breath, every thought, every action and intentionally doing every one of these until BEING A POWERFUL DIVINE ESSENCE LIGHT BEING is your natural way of existence here.

As you do, your body upgrades and crystals start to form. Star particles activate and weird & bizarre (awesome) becomes the new norm. We did not come here to exist within the old matrix forever. We came here to transcend it and completely obliterate it and leave it behind. We came to BECOME THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE and all aspects of all of our existences and WALK AS THESE in the physical, to share KNOWLEDGE and to assist/empower others to do the same for them.

TOGETHER as PURE BEINGS we are FAMILY again here. As Galactic Families we have HUGE purposes, missions and roles here. Every one of you see this and you DO KNOW it inside. Part of my role here is to assist with empowering you to becoming the WAYSHOWER that you already are and to provide the knowledge and understanding for you to step into your own roles, purposes and missions here.

So, get ready, we all have LOTS of WORK to do! Transforming HUmanity is a full-time job! First you have to focus on you, remember how to sleep, work within all dimensions from the waking and sleep (closed-eyed) state. You have to bring forth your power, your knowing, your knowledge and REMEMBER HOW TO SHARE, REMEMBER yourself AS A CREATOR, AS SOURCE and as an ALCHEMIST here. Becoming this POWERFUL FORCE of ENERGY is how we do realities here.
Our physical realities arrive as we arrive in them. They are continually emerging, changing shape and re-aligning, as are everyone of us, inside. We take command of our own UNIVERSE and we walk as ONE AS ALL here.

The LOVE you ARE, the LOVE you hold, the LOVE you have the capacity to bring forth and share is BEYOND anything you IMAGINED and it's PURE. It is this that transforms all back into LIGHT again. You weave light, infuse light, share light and activate all in LIGHT.... just by being you. A magnificent and brilliant LIGHT BEING.

Yes, WE are here. WE always have been. Keep looking. You shall SEE what was not visible before in the old vibrations and gridworks of consciousness. Get ready loves. WE LOVE surprises here! ♥

p.s. IF you find yourself in the "Sleeping to wake-up, anchor light and build your power from the inside-out" phase. This is MOST important! Honor this! You are upgrading in Crystalline/your Crystalline Structure/Gridwork and doing your In-Service work as you clear, cleanse, purify and emerge from within. Gratitude for your dedication. It's challenging to do this, but necessary for us all. I love love love you!  ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown (Ithara) ∞
Pure Sacred Divine Essence Powerful Light Energy Living as ALL Aspects Merged as ONE again here
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Feel blocked, ready to give up? We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity's Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. For All the Details and to schedule with us you can Follow this Link:
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