otrdiena, 2015. gada 22. decembris

Happy Solstice everyone!

 So far today is the clearest day to see the both energy pedals of 3D & 5D. Just like skiing on two skates but feeling the 3D on one side and the 5D on the other. Both are there, and neither are clashing nor keeping us exploded because of Earth element energy of Capricorn today has brought the balancing point from all the turbulences we have been having. Capricorn focuses on staying steady on the path that they commit to finish. Determination and devotion where we find the balance to stay grounded on our daily lives meanwhile vibrating on higher level of 5D from that 3D perspective.

Capricorn will teach us how to keep our station organized so we can focus on achieving our higher potential and our 5D realm to be anchored into our 3D life. This will calm the mind as well because mind wants the reality so it can touch and see as a manifestation. We are not here to just visualize things and dream them so we can get lost in the mental realm with dreams & thoughts. Or to keep our ascension as a concept to be achieved in the future. We are transforming our life and bringing our all levels into oneness within.

Mental, emotional, physical and astral levels are coming together to function from a higher level. Seeing the world from a victim's eyes or separating our self into many pieces to feel completed can not be tolerated when we vibrate from this higher perspective stage. Meanwhile many of us are still working on their 3D lessons, we are finding our energy space to be in the 5D as well. We will see everything is connected to each other within. When we work on our thoughts and mental energy, our emotional body starts to feel balanced as well. Of course, the more you go further with these cleansing and higher awareness, the more your lessons will be faster to shock you on the face. So keep staying focused on the goal and cut down on taking others emotional cleansing process come to your energy field. Because they will disturb you.

Now that Christmas is happening around the Cancer Full Moon (Cancer and Capricorn are opposite signs), we will be seeing the opposite angles with our loved ones and family members. Stay neutral, focus on your own inner work, let people go through what they need to go through. Instead of focusing on their reaction and how they trigger the old emotions from the past, see if you can manage to observe where you seem to get very annoyed when you see yourself reacting so much. Focus on moving forward where you see yourself falling for the drama of others. How do you let it happen and seem to find a way to react the same way?

Aren't they helping you to find it easier just because they annoy you every time? Use your irritations and each resisting loops (where you seem to react the same way) as a catalyzer to remind you to stay in the now, hold your energy in the center no matter what the other is thinking or doing, and dropping the victim paradigm even they try to pull you to their frequency. Keep your attention within yourself, and come to a inner expanded space where you are aware of your each emotion because you are there to choose them consciously.

Give your self a time, and pause to come to that space so you can be aware of your reaction from that conscious level. More and more you repeat this, the pattern becomes easier to adapt. Without drama, resisting, and using fear, we see how much our daily energy can stay in that higher awareness. And each day we could see it growing and assisting us to be in that easier and smoother path instead of old & difficult resistant field.

More later wink emoticon
Happy Solstice....
Much Love,

From Doreen Virtue's Number Sequences Guide
1's and 2's such as 121 or 112 - Our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and re growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!