Riding the Wave Into 2016

This month of December in 2015 is taking each of us into a whole new way of existence. What has not worked for us is being revealed, and the elements that are being accepted bring us into a new experience of our personal alchemy.
In fact this year started with the integration of the Crystalline Flame to become grounded into the Earth. This ray represents Harmony and Balance through Conflict. This means that the intensity of the light is so strong that it breaks apart anything that is not reflected within that frequency. It is a powerful ray to work with personally but on a global level, I believe it has assisted this earth during this amazing year.
2015 was classified by the Unified Whole as: Incorporating Harmony Within to Send Love Without.
In order for us to expand our love quotient to others, we must first feel it within ourselves. It makes me wonder if every person on the planet has achieved this. I don’t think so.The accelerations this year has been phenomenal. The Equinox of March heralded in the energies for the Wesak to be received by the planet through Lord Buddha. At that time, there was great celebration for the rays that had been grounded since 2013. First it was, the Ruby Flame of Inner Devotion represent peace and harmony amongst the planet. Then we were gifted with the Will and Power of the Blue Flame that brings forth the essence of the Masculine Divine within the Heart of God representing Love, Compassion, and Patience. The Crystalline Flame followed in the beginning of this year.
Having each of these flames fully grounded within Gaia’s core has assisted each of us to experience life in a different way of being. It does not mean it has been easy but there is progress for us to realize in each act and way of living upon this earth.
The Solstice in June brought forth the Solar Angels to become m ore involved within each soul upon the planet whether they realized it or not. It is a time in which we can fully access our Solar Angel, an aspect of our Angelic Presence. It is the pathway to receive more into the Golden Solar Angel that occurs in the higher dimensions of light with Lord Metatron.
In August we experienced the 8-8-8 of the Lion’s Gate where more increased energies were brought forth into the heavens. It was a powerful time of great love and light to be accepted by all of us.
The Equinox of September brought many activations; some which were very challenging for many as our foundations are being shaken up to allow the depth of healing to be within our physical self. The Eclipses that occurred also assisted in the acceptance of morel ight infractions.
November came with the 11-11 energies to prepare us to move through the new doorway of our reality to be accepted fully in the physical lives we are living.
Then we moved into the December accelerations. It is a powerful month and an even more powerful year that we have experienced. The Solstice on the 22nd at 4:48 UTC (12-21 8:48 Pacific, 11:48 Eastern) is going to prove that in the moment of no time when all elements come into alignment each of us bring forth that moment in which we become our I Am Presence, fully in the physical creation. It is a time in which we are to allow our breath to take us into the essence that we are from the 144th dimension into the reality that we now exist upon.
As we stand within the darkness of the night within the Northern Hemisphere, it allows us to go into the void. This is the period of knowing ourselves so deeply without the physical existence of light but an inner knowing of our own light. In the Southern Hemisphere those souls will experience more light within their physical world but the process will be the same.
Why do we need to experience the void?
Within the Void is a space continuum of “no time”. It allows us to feel that moment when the silence of the soul is ignited within the power of the physical being. It relates to the joy of knowing oneself so deeply that the process of allowing those energies to be accepted within the totality of the physical life brings on a deeper meaning. This process will allow each soul to come from a space of surrender into the physical self. A remembrance of light will occur giving each person the opportunity to hold more of the Christ Consciousness within them.
It does not stop there as the Full Moon on the 25th is represented by Cancer in the Sun Sign of Capricorn. This moon will bring forth the Christ Consciousness to be fully activated within Gaia’s core at 11:11 UTC, 3:11 Pacific, 6:11 Eastern. This moon represents the Heart Essence to become fully activated. At this time, there is a planetary alignment occurring for 11 days in which several planets will be traveling in sync with others. This will allow for the entryway of the Christ Consciousness to become more grounded within our physical existence and upon the Earth. It is a time of powerful manifestations to be realized within our lives.
How appropriate are those energies for us?
It will represent the Heart Essence and expansion of our Divine Minds to be expressed in a completely different way than before. This expansion will be absolutely magnificent. So prepare yourself for great heart reflections.
December 31st is always a very powerful time to sit in silence in preparation for the New Year to be revealed. It is suggested that deep reflection takes place in order to advance into the year of 2016.
2016 Represents “Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self”
The Unified Whole energies that comprise the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Master Consicousness have stated that the preparations we are going through presently will truly make a difference for each of us in 2016.Reflecting on the numerology of 2016 shows that it represents the number “9” when the digits are all added together. This number reflects the energy of Completion – in preparation for the ‘new’ to arrive, but it also reflects more than just an ending. It is a number of Universal and Spiritual Laws to be fully put into place. It is a time in which this earth will be able to reflect the teachings that the Brotherhood of White Light put into hiding before the fall of Lemuria. It is a time of spiritual awakening and enlightenment within humanity. It is when true altruism will occur as individuals will come to the aid of others through service and dedication to bring forth Divine Wisdom. In other words there it will be a time of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING for many upon this planet.
Per the Mayan Oracle, Nine is termed as GREATER CYCLES, “Thread of grand design in the tapestry of light, on the loom of the great cycles weave your pattern.” In other words it represents completion and expansion. This energy asks us to BE rather than TRY TO BE. It is about embodying the wisdom of the larger cycles, “Become the one who shines the light for others as you are the humanitarians whose Being unfolds the larger pattern of the new world.”
Four represents the energy which is representative of practicality, discipline, foundation, stability and mastery. It is the time to focus on the realization of high service through building solid foundations with systematic determination, honesty, integrity, justice and practicality. It is the time of laying the groundwork necessary to experience renewal.
When we break up 2016 into separate digits, it represents more of the same type of energies. With the digit, “2”, the vibratory essence of service and duty for the Divine Light to become manifested within the Earth essence becomes part of the process. It reflects the energy to have great faith with many difficulties that can arise. The number “0” brings forth the flow of life within the Alpha and Omega of the never-ending cycle of the Source of Light to be One within us. One (1) brings forth new beginnings, new beginnings, moving forward and creating unique ideas to become manifested. It represents the essence of being independent with love and inspiration; by yet the masculine energies holds true to achievement and success of strength and reliance to the organization. It is the accomplishment of experiencing Unity with Self as it blends with the Source, representing All That Is within the framework of the Universal Laws. The number “6” is the essence of unconditional love to others especially soul relationships. The focus brings forth compassion and humanitarian efforts creating peace which is the foundation and is always considered the most important element. It is a time to Bring forth together peoples of many nations.
The number “16” reflects the combination of “1” and “6” which creates a focus that “Your Thoughts Create Your Reality”. Trusting in the Divine Consciousness of the Universe that all your needs will be met through the tests of time.
Keywords for 2016 will be reflected in the statement, “Overcoming Obstacles in order to Receive Your Divine Will to be Manifested” as the Laws of the Universe will be guiding all efforts of attainment within the Heart and Will of God.
It looks like the upcoming year will present many opportunities for growth as it will be the time for many others to join the mastery pathway. We will be accessing the Divine Laws that Master Thoth stands for so deeply and allowing those laws to be part of our existence. This will help to mold the New Earth.
The time that is occurring presently actually stated in 2012. The long awaited anticipation when things would start to change is now feasible in small steps. We have had to wait until this time, as we would not have been prepared within our individual self to hold the higher frequency. It still can be a challenge, but the tools that are available are much beyond what we had four years ago when we moved into the 2012 energies.
We are now coming into the time when it is absolutely necessary to allow the 5th Dimensional State of Consciousness to be our guide in every thought and emotion that we will experience. The more that we allow our I AM Presence through our Higher Self to guide us through each moment, the easier the transition will be to hold the higher frequencies. This is a necessary component to hold within our full consciousness so that our physical body will accept the necessary changes to move into the transition of higher thought forms.
It will not be easy, but I believe that there will be many others that will see the significance of what many of us have been striving for on this Earth. We are coming to realize that we are Divine Beings of Light and have the opportunity to work hard and show our success by allowing others to experience it also.
Blessings to each of you for a miraculous movement into 2016.
In Creations of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:FACEBOOK ♥ TWITTER ♥ YOUTUBE ♥ NEWSLETTER MESSAGES ♥ DONATE