How To Balance Your Chakras Through Dance
Each chakra serves as a library of information, and are doorways to conscious growth. When your physical energy is able to freely circulate, your mental, emotional and spiritual experiences become brighter and more acute.
Dance your way through this movement guide and open up to healthier chakras.
Chakra Dance Guide

First Chakra – Root: The first chakra is located at the base of your tailbone, the lowermost part of your pelvis.
Movement of this chakra stimulates an energy exchange between the legs, coccyx, rectum and the sex organs.
Move this chakra to generate sensations of security and to develops a strong connection between your body and the earth.
Dance: Feel your feet rooted in the ground.
Step firmly or stomp. With each step focus on the connection between the root of your pelvis and the base of your feet. Yell “yes” and “no”; own your movement.

Second Chakra – Sacral: The second chakra is located at the first lumbar area of the lower spine.
Movement of this chakra stimulates your large intestine, spleen, bladder, lower back, prostate and sex organs.
Move this chakra to develop a strong connection between your male and female sexual energies; this stimulates your powers of creation.
Dance: Initiate movement from your pelvis. Undulate the lower spine by wagging and circling your tailbone. Step your legs out and then bring them together.
Third Chakra – Solar Plexus: The third chakra is located at the mid-thoracic area of your spine.

Movement of this chakra stimulates your heart, lungs, stomach, liver, adrenals, pancreas, kidneys, diaphragm, gall bladder, small intestines and duodenum.
Activate this chakra to develop a connection to your desire for will, self-confidence and personal power.
Dance: Move from the center of your solar plexus.
As you move, acknowledge what you are doing mentally and vocally. If you step to the left four times, say “I am stepping left four times.” Be direct and vocalize your commitment to your movement.

Like the third chakra, movement of this chakra stimulates organs located in the chest and stomach area.
Move this chakra to develop a connection to love, compassion, joy, and sorrow.
Dance: Spread your arms outward and open your chest. Cross your arms and allow your chest to concave. Give yourself a hug. Shrug your shoulders and shimmy your chest!

Movement of this chakra stimulates your whole head, including your eyes, ears, face, and throat.
Move this chakra to sense, activate and gain freedom of self-expression. Connect to what you desire to say to the world.
Dance: Nod your head yes and say, “yes”. Nod your head no and say “no”. Allow your cheeks and lips to be loose while your tongue is alive and mobile in your mouth.
Vocalize out loud what you need, love, and desire.

Movement of the facial muscles activates this chakra and stimulates the head, face, eyes, ears, and throat.
Move this chakra to develop a connection to intuition, to physically sense what you intellectually and emotionally recognize.
Dance: Initiate movement by leading with your eyes and allow the rest of the body to follow. Relax and engage your facial muscles.
Seventh Chakra – Crown: The seventh chakra has no spinal contact and is energetically located above the crown of your head. Movement of this chakra stimulates spiritual energy and creates a connection between your physical body and energy body. Move this chakra to develop a connection between you and your innately divine Self.

Dance: Imagine a white feather running up along the back of your head, reaching high into the clouds. From this place begin tipping your head forward, and rolling down through your spine to touch your toes. Continue to move in silence without music.
Stay with the movement from each chakra for as long as you feel necessary. Always ground before and after working with the chakras – feel the soles of your bare feet on the earth. Breathe deeply and fully.
Recognize emotions may arise as you move. Go slowly, be gentle with movement and always guide yourself with compassion and love.
By: Debbie Rosas
Through the development of the Nia practice, I have learned that through movement we find health. By utilizing this chakra dance guide, you too can release stuck energy and find health.