ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 24. decembris


Over the last 48 hours there has been a very potent energy rising bringing a shift in consciousness into our world. This big movement will continue for the next few days and lead up to a very powerful Full Moon in Cancer on the 25th bringing with it the very strong energy that was created during the recent Solstice.

This shift has manifested in some of the hypersensitive beings of our planet as blinding headaches, inexplicable warm spells, feelings of disorientation, flu symptoms, odd sleep patterns, vivid dreams/messages, and feeling very off.

This has been a place of shifting our perceptions and paradigms. Here we have found an energy of moving into a place of being done with what doesn't work for us. We have been shown and felt a deep resonance with what we are no longer willing to settle for in our lives. We are coming face to face with a very deep truth.

This is a time of feeling into the layers being peeled off and when the Full Moon brings it's illumination this time around it will be in a deep feeling way. This energy will be asking us to clarify and fully be present with our emotions and get honest with how we feel. This is a place of highlighting for us what is draining us and what direction we need to go in to nourish the peace and love we want in our own lives.

This can have us being very blunt and open with our communications and telling people exactly what is on our mind. This can be good if we are coming from a place of truth and not from a place of ego.
Yes, it will be a very heavy dive, but one that needs to be made. Stay present, stay with your feelings and stay rooted in your truth. Use your authentic voice here, the one that is connected to your authentic self.

Also stay hydrated, try to stay away from the energy vampires who suck you dry (I know it's the holidays, it can be tough. Try to stay in the opposite end of the house from the heavy hitters.), try to take some time for yourself over the busy season, and take some time outdoors to ground.
Detox with a salt bath, light a beeswax candle and let all the drama people bring be their problem not yours. You don't need the negativity where you're going and that is in the direction of your truth.

Much love and light,
~ Ara

The Goddess Circle | www.thegoddesscircle.net
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