ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 24. decembris

Energy Update – The Transformation Wave - As we moved through the 12/19 portal


As we moved through the 12/19 portal, unconscious acts we’ve been engaging in sometimes all our life have become more apparent, as well as aspects of ourselves that we might have ignored and denied through dualistic judgement. The unconscious acts are becoming more apparent in order to be transcended and released from our field. There are many ramifications as the mind can create a really complex structure of dysfunctional patterns as a result of the outer environment. Many times these patterns are unique to the individual and only the individual holds the key to breaking those patterns by cutting the root of it,  and integrate heart-centered new ways of being and doing.
This goes hand in hand with the aspects of ourselves I mentioned above that make up the “shadow self.”
Through this process, it’s important to understand that it’s okay  to feel whatever emotion you are feeling in the moment. May it be sadness, grief, anger, fear, it’s also okay to feel just fine as well. Whatever we are experiencing at this point, it’s important to just allow the experience, fully allow ourselves to feel, fully surrender.
So what are you feeling now? Focus on the heart area. Is there something that’s been supressed ? Is it something you’re resisting the feeling, the experience of it ? Ignoring it won’t make it go away. We can put it aside, but it’s still there and it’s weighing us down. The only way up is through. You’re not doing anything wrong, there are simply many layers of the old that need to be transcended. A conscious choice to do that. Again, it’s also alright to feel alright. What makes this transformation process challenging is the resistance to it. By ignoring and denying the “shadow self,” we are resisting. Because of that, the shadow self might become more highlighted (no pun intended) during these times in order to be acknowledged, known for what it is, merged in our unified field consciously and inevitably transformed through our awareness.
But many times these transformation “waves” might feel quite uncomfortable, especially in the moments we’re in now. We’re deepening this huge transformation process we’ve been doing for years now collectively. We clearly chose Christmas time for this major transformation wave, as we can lift our Spirit faster during this period.

 Simultaneously, work with your preferred transformation tools. Highly recommended is the Violet Flame. Its energy signature is purifying and freeing, it’s gentle and raw and its alchemical properties can help us move forward with ease. But there are plenty other ways we can do that. Sometimes one breath is all we need. Try not to judge these purging moment, try to honour them instead. Without purging, there would be no growth and expansion. And there is so much beauty in it.
With all that being said, we are now getting ready for a completion of that which we’ve worked on this year, not as in something ending, but in the sense of finishing a chapter and starting a brand new one.
Most important is to go into 2016 with no limitations. Throughout 2015 we’ve been been breaking limitations, we’ve seen glimpses of our infinite potential and the universal unlimitedness. I see 2015 as a training ground, a warm up. Now this new year we’re going to expand and discover more of our cosmic nature. The purging that we’re experiencing these days and the downloads and upgrades that come after it are facilitating that. We are going to embody our essence in ways that we have not done before and through this embodiment we’re opening up to and creating experiences that are more aligned with the Soul. So, let the adventure begin! Or continue, for that matter.
The end of this month is also a fertile window , a good time to plant the seeds for the new year. Get in touch with the heart, know what you really want for yourself in the next year and go for it. You can get practical and start writing down. This way you let the universe know what you want and it will respond. It is a way to align with a certain vibration and frequency consciously.
At the same time, have no expectations. As cliche as it sounds, it is very important to not place our focus on how those seeds will blossom, where or when. Just take it moment by moment and be present. Life has its way of working in divine timing and how it’s best for us. We only have to allow it to.
Happy Solstice!
Thank you for reading,
Love and Light,