otrdiena, 2015. gada 22. decembris

We have gone really high

We have gone really high and the last few hours the activations have eased off. We are so very high in frequency and while still audible, very calm, very peaceful as we are connected back up higher than we were before AS the Crystalline Grid/Unified Field.

All is back online loves and it's beautiful to feel. Everything is "rumbling" underneath though, there is still very much activity cellularly/moleculary going on. These super high frequencies are moving through the crystall...ine structure.

Vortexes quietly activating, we are jingling inside too! INJOY and we could still go much higher, which is the way it's been working. If we do, these will go deeper into the physical body. Update if anything major occurs, otherwise I shall see you all tomorrow! I love you!

InJOY Solstice Activations and keep your hearts open, expand your mind, continue expecting awesome and we are past allowing any old stuff anymore.
Relax and get your rest. Very deserved with all the light we've anchored these last many days! Continual upgrades. We shall see what tomorrow brings! ∞

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
