svētdiena, 2015. gada 6. decembris

Energetic Freedom For First Wave Ascenders

This is a difficult post to write but a very important one. The difficulty is in putting what I see into words. So please bear with me in this.

We have been told that Jesus in the act of dying placed a bit of himself in each one of us allowing all to be saved if they embraced that bit of him in their heart. How is this  possible?
Jesus through his actions created a hologram and each one of us carries part of that hologram inside us. We can choose to empower it or ignore it, but every small piece of a hologram contains a fuzzy image of the entire hologram.

In like manner we create holograms of our entire world, holograms that reflect our inner voyage and it is available to others. We create master holograms through energetic circuits with our divine counterparts and sub holograms through energetic circuits with chakra soulmates, those of specific frequencies that harmonize with our own at certain chakra levels.

Our entire reality is a maze of entwined and entangled connections, like a natural sponge with passage ways that go off in all directions. The strongest holograms are those we create with divine counterparts and these master holograms contain our personal timelines, that of our divine counterparts and of Gaia and all life upon her. Each one of us has personal versions of reality that differ from everyone else’s versions.

Some times versions of reality conflict and that is where we are at right now on a global basis. But a major victory has just been won by the first wave of those ascending with Gaia’s new birth.
I call this first wave the Hydrogen types, but let’s call them Crown Chakra types instead for clarity. Everyone that has opened and developed their crown chakra is part of this first wave.
It is this first wave that channel the greatest amount of love and light from the highest and have been anchoring it through their bodies. The greater the amount of energy the more powerful the master holograms that are created. Secondary holograms must submit to these higher energy holograms or be destroyed. Old eon holograms must submit or be destroyed.

Well this first wave has been trying to unite personal holograms to create a master collective hologram and that has finally succeeded! It is a collective master hologram of Hydrogen or Crown Chakra energies and has just severed energetic connections with all the lower energies! It is now energetically independent from everything else that is going on in our world. It is self sustaining for the first time.

The battle for Gaia now shifts to the Helium level or the third eye energies. The first wavers are out of the game and required only to further their personal realities through new creation. The first wavers are able to regenerate lower level energies such as emotional energies with their own bodies and recreate lower dimensions of personal reality by themselves without energetic contact with collective Gaia energies. They have become independent of Gaia and her energy grid.

This has been a massive victory for the first wave, but there is an energetic backlash that the second wave must deal with. We can perhaps best understand this as tradition. The first wave has created a new pattern or tradition out of Crown Chakra energies or out of Hydrogen energies, the energies of Unity. This new pattern exists in the hearts of all living things waiting to be activated through each personal hologram. But the first wavers are no longer fighting at the lower levels! That battle is now passed on to the second wave and the first wave holds fast the new pattern of this collective master hologram. They are energetically severed from all the rest of humanity.

For the first waver this is a time of massive empowerment because all the energy that was spent in fighting and anchoring the lower levels can now be directed in a much smaller energetic sphere and used in a personal manner. So they might find themselves in the same physical situation, but suddenly they are much more energetically able to clear away the rubble of the past from their own personal lives. All resistance will crumble away.

The second wave, Helium wave or Third Eye Chakra wave is traditionally that of the Warrior King while the first wave belonged to the Divine Gods and Goddesses. That which the first wave was able to achieve through magic and subtlety must now be achieved through the might and courage of the Warrior.

In blunt terms social clashes are going to become much harsher as society begins to crumble. Sometimes things need to crash before they can be rebuilt. But each one of us has the new pattern available in our hearts and it will lead us through all trials and temptations. Love is and always will be the answer.