otrdiena, 2015. gada 25. augusts

**Stirring Up The Leftover Old Patterns**

 *Anchoring into the zero point. By weeding out the old programming.*
You are (higher self) stirring all the areas where you have left old programmings reside and where they keep lowering your energy. The leftover old patterns are creating statics so you can realize how much you are no longer be comfortable in the same energy field. So what are you leaving as your victim energy field?

 Victim energy field: keep ones own well-being controlled by outside factor and always believing he/she is not powerful over of choosing own choice of happiness.

 Victim energy field will come up in the hidden areas where you hold it as your known energy modules to keep a secret agenda to follow. It craves the drama because it has to be in the victim seat. Something outside of it is constantly driving it to the places where it feeds the “reacting with pain” response with a powerless child where has no power over anything. It only loves to response and react to what is giving. The biggest sign of victim archetype that we all carry is to feel like we are here for some outside factor than our choice. This of course builds itself up to a;... having a difficult purpose, goal, being-somebody model in our energy field. So to fulfill the agenda, our energy field craves to feel like we are here for a mission and got to be in the field of discomfort because we are put here by someone or something outside of our control. This is the whole program’s pattern. And it is perfectly dualistic.

 When you see yourself in this old patterns you start to see the difference with having high amount of photon beams pushing all the old stuff come up to the surface. So for your consciousness to recognize and cognize the whole process and the module you are in, your higher self would speed the process for you to stir things up. So you can perpetuate the alignment stages.

 The more we are aware of the switch between these patterns and our vibration level is fastening; the more the process feels very weird as we feel lost in thought patterns between this and the new to take place.

 The pitfall of the old patterns that we hardly find easy to leave is to feed it with drama. Drama is the food of the victim consciousness. Holding the victim consciousness creates the need of creating drama because that needs to feed the victim archetype as well as it needs to feed with drama to perpetuate itself. And keep itself hidden as to keep the version as always someone who is vulnerable enough to be in the victim seat. From there it needs to feed itself with a constant pain energy field. Just like a garden, the pain itself has to become more drama and it needs more drama to get its “realness” on a tangible level. So person find the self in the middle of a constant need of struggle, resistance, or rebellious mood where it feels powerless and constantly fighting for something. Constantly reacting to something instead of letting the life just be and catching the wholeness flow. It is a creation level of “why! why!”….energy field. And its food is drama. So with these high energies washing over these invalid energy fields* where we release these old victim consciousness, we reach up to the higher consciousness naturally and seeing how much we need to stop feeding these patterns and recognizing how they are not supported.

 Imagine washing your whole house with a very strong bleach. The intense density of the bleach will naturalize very thick layers of old energy. Think of bleach as your high photon energy beaming you constantly. So bleach creates a new space (energy field) to create a very different energy field for us to perpetuate the new. But if your old habits of needing drama and you see yourself more volunteering into drama; don’t panic! Just stay aware and awake enough to let the process switch itself naturally. Your awareness means so much at the moment. At least you are realizing how much you have been stuck in the old programming of victim consciousness. Just focus on the zero point of changing your patterns and be aware of the process by keeping your head up high by focusing on your meditation and your simplicity of purifying.

 If you are seeing yourself in the areas of the old energies, they are waiting for you to see that you don’t need drama to stay in the victim seat and let outside control your energy field. It is about self-empowerment stage where we use joy and encouragement as our food.

 So clean yourself up about your needing to create more drama by just staying aware of your old module is trying to hang on to you. The key is to stay non-resistant and observer. Because resistance gets us out of the flow and lower our frequency in the not-wanted energy fields. Focus on your breathing and anchor into the zero-point by willing to switch to the higher level of consciousness and joy. Whatever is keeping you repeat to stay in the victim seat like “because of my mom, I feel this way. Because of my house and job I feel this way!”….wherever you feel and see yourself insisting on staying resistant and reacting constantly is holding your place where you need to pay attention to the alerts of victim consciousness. Where you see yourself needing to feed daily drama is another one you have to say bye bye….or else, you will feel very misaligned in that field. Very disturbing and shocking now, because it is no longer a valid energy field.

 More later wink emoticon
PS: *Invalid energy field means here that what we no longer can adapt as our energy engine.
heart emoticon heart emoticon
Much Love,