otrdiena, 2015. gada 16. jūnijs

This World is an Illusion, We Are Way Showers To the New Earth UNITY Paradigm

When I say this world is an illusion I come from the standpoint that we are pure consciousness. When we where in the state of pure consciousness, one with Source, we heard a calling from Mother Earth. We did not have to incarnate on Planet Earth but we decided to answer her call as it was reaching deep into the I AM presence that we were. We also knew that we would be able to help the ascension of human consciousness and Mother Earth. Therefore, we agreed to incarnate into a human body, the ultimate experience of separation. Why? So we could consciously experience unity consciousness. You see the paradox here? As we become an individual, have an ego-structure, an identity, we are remembering through that illusion of being separated that we are one with all that there is and ever will be. Which is the reason why we talk about being your true self. That original self that you were before entering a human body, when you were one with Source, the archetype of Pisces, peace and oneness. As a lot of you know, the veil has been lifted on December 21st 2012, which has resulted in becoming more aware that we do not belong to Earth, that this reality is a stage where we are the actors. And that the game is to remember we are one so we can exit this duality consciousness Earth paradigm into the New Earth Paradigm of Unity Consciousness where we are One. Those concepts are not concepts anymore, they are very real and tangible for those who are doing the conscious work and staying fully committed to their soul mission. You probably have noticed that it has gotten easier to communicate with other dimensions, to open yourself to be a channel. Indeed, channeling is going to become quite normal as our consciousness keep on expanding to its limitlessness, our mind and body computer are now more than ever more responsive and receptive to consciousness in other dimensions and galaxies. We are awakening to that potential, allowing ourselves to get assistance from more advanced star families in order to create the New Earth Paradigm.
You might have heard about the theory of Planet Earth splitting into two Earths, the old and the new one. If you stretch your mind a bit, this theory makes a lot of sense. If you understand that your level of consciousness and awareness manifest the reality you live in then it becomes easier to grasp the concept of the Earth splitting. When you are in a state of unity consciousness, lower vibrations simply do not exist in your reality. They just are not there! Therefore, the vibration of the New Earth will not allow lower vibrations to manifest, as there will be no ground for them to grow. The New Earth vibrations are of the highest and purest vibration of Light and Love. You might wonder, how am I to get to that place…well it is quite simple actually. Just keep on doing your conscious work on yourself and the unity consciousness wave that is gathering tremendous momentum will carry you. Remember, it is a space of togetherness, cooperation, acceptance, peace, justice, harmony and unconditional love. So you are in if you want to!
As a soul astrologer, I am always amazed how the stars are set up to help Planet Earth Ascension. On July 17th, we are assisted by a Grand Water Trine, which means three planets are merging their energies in unity. As I mentioned above, Pisces ruled by Neptune, the dreamer, the unconditional love and limitless vibration is in trine with Saturn, the planet of reality, the ruler of this 3D dimension illusion, interesting paradox, which helps us build solid foundations and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, the Higher Mind helping us to stretch our mind back to the Stars, back to our True Self, back to Source. I think you might have guessed that it is a time for real conscious manifestation and actions, steady efforts and commitment to your Soul mission as you allow yourself to be an instrument and channel in this Divine Plan so the New Earth Unity Paradigm can be born. In those times of accelerated manifestation it is key to stay positive. As everything is speeding up and being magnified, you need to remain conscious of your thoughts and keep them positive. Another key point is to use the power of your imagination. This 3d matrix also called control system has programmed you to think you are powerless, that you are bond to those imposed limitations that they create to keep you under control. The good news is, you are all powerful; you are pure consciousness experiencing itself in the human body computer in the illusion of being separated just so you can enjoy the journey of remembering we are one!
One thing I have learnt is that life is actually not so serious, it is very much a game where we can play any role and act we desire. Again, when we use the power of our imagination, we become that powerful conscious creator. You might be called a crazy by the skeptics and naysayers but who cares, they wish they would have the fun you are having and might decide to come along for the ride, but that is none of your responsibility.
Getting down to responsibility, you might have noticed that the blame game is not working so well for you lately. Well, this is probably Saturn in Scorpio, assisting you in owning your power! Scorpio is the deepest sign there can be. It is the sign that takes you through the “Dark Knight of your Soul”, so you can be reborn anew, stronger, wiser, braver and mainly more authentic and true to your Self! How can we birth the New Earth Unity Paradigm if we do not even know who we are and give our power away because we are afraid of our own power! How many times in your life, you have stepped aside when a real opportunity to own your power presented itself to you. Were you even aware of those opportunities? Well time has come to show yourself and all who you really are, and what type of creator you are. Saturn in Scorpio will reward your deep inner work beyond what you think you can possibly manifest and this is how we create the New Earth Unity Paradigm. So please, believe in yourself, own your power, work on yourself through yoga, meditation, self-help books, being with Mother Nature, doing the things that excites you the most, that makes your heart sing; whatever you can do to connect to your true self, your inner child, just commit to doing it consistently. And on July 17th, make it a priority! Dream big, speak your dream and let the Universe manifest it in a way that will truly serve your Soul Evolution.
This channeled essay has been facilitated by the Pleiadians, which are great assistants and my dear star family. They assist all that are open to receive in healing our emotional body at an individual, collective and planetary level. I thank them for their assistance and unconditional love.
If you would like to remember your Soul mission and come fully into your power, you can book a Soul Astrology Session with me kindly click here
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star