otrdiena, 2015. gada 30. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, June 30th 2015

Moon in Sagittarius
Are you feeling your Heart is on Fire my Dear Ones? You would have good reason to as the Moon Goddess in Sagittarius is lighting up this Cosmic Heart of Fire Stargate in the Heavens! She will start with a trine to Uranus in Aries (9:01am PST) making what is to happen next unpredictable and exciting! I must warn you again, miracles are on their way to you as the hand of destiny is aligning you with your True Soul's Purpose. Are you ready to ride the wave of your Life my Dear Ones!? This is a time of great inspiration, innovation and creativity which belongs to the Golden Age. If there is a time to be YOU and to take action upon your Heart and Soul vision, it is NOW.

 The Moon Goddess will then trine Venus (10:47am PST) and Jupiter (11:18am PST) both in Leo. Wherever your Heart and Soul are guided to be or go, or move to, do it! This is a visionary and heart opening aspect my Dear Ones and I invite you to trust your insights, feelings and hunches as they are divine guidance from your Soul. There is also much guidance from the celestial realms, speak to your Guardian Angels and open to receive their divine guidance. You are not doing this alone, remember.

Yes, we did not have it easy in the Dark Age, but this time is over! The Light of the Goddess is returning to Earth and as per the Incas's prophecy and many others spiritually attuned civilizations, we are the Children of Light, the Children of Mother Sun. We have tremendous divine assistance my Dear Ones, and today is a clear message as Venus, the Goddess of Love, come to her conjunction with Jupiter in Leo. I have said it before, heart, heart, heart. Choose to live and perceive from your Heart my Dear Ones, this is again the space of your Infinity, of the all possibilities paradigm, this is where your dreams come true. Those who have been reading my Daily Planetary Dance for a while understand that this time and space is a gateway on our Galactic Ascension. Portals as such do not happen every day which is why I am making it extra clear that you must focus on the positive, on what is working, on what you want more in your life as the law of attraction is carefully listening to your every wish. This portal is amplifying everything my Dear Ones, and the Full Moon in Capricorn of tomorrow act as a seal for the energy you choose to vibrate at this time as well as a rocket to your Destiny! Whatever you vibrate you shall create. Get yourself ready and fly to your wildest dreams! This is the Age of visionaries. Do you think a visionary is preoccupied with the details...no. Leave the details to your angels and keep the focus on your Heart and Soul Vision. Visualize yourself already living that vision, astral project yourself in the future and feel what it feels like to live your dream, it will assist the manifestation process as well as grounding your vision into the ever-expanding NOW. Remember time is an illusion of the 3D reality. Your imagination is the key to unlock your true potential as a sovereign co-creator of the Goddess.

We are undergoing a major Cosmic Heart Transmission which can be dramatic for some such as kundalini rising or third eye opening, and subtle for others. No matter what is happening for you at this time, our perception is shifting to Cosmic Heart Perception where we can feel we are ONE. I cannot recommend enough for you to meditate, visualize love and light inside and around you, be with Mother Gaia, whatever your Soul is guiding you towards at this time. At all cost, avoid places, people, and so forth which triggers your duality perception, your shadow self and let your Golden Chalice cup be filled with the Unconditional Love pouring from the Cosmic ONE Heart of Mother Goddess. Those who are already tuned into their Divine Feminine know in their Heart what I am talking about. It is not a mind thing. Drop your mind into your Heart and trust your Soul as it knows the way forward. It is a time to be with yourself and/or like minded people who work together for the greater good, the liberation of all sentient beings. Souls all around the world will be doing the "Goddess Earth Ascension" Meditation to keep anchoring this Cosmic Heart energy within ourselves and the Heart of Gaia.

If you were waiting for the perfect time to act upon your true soul's desires, the time is NOW! Remember, if you can imagine it, it is real The square from the Moon Goddess to Chiron, the wounded healer in Pisces (11:20am PST) will remind us to just keep our 3D mind in check. Each negative thought or belief that comes up from your 3D mind, replace it with a loving and positive thought and watch the magic happen. It is a time of accelerated manifestation my Dear Ones which is why all those Masters came to Earth with healing tools such as meditation, yoga and so forth as to prepare our minds to ascend to the 5th dimension of infinite possibilities where you can be the powerful co-creator that you are in essence. The key is that you must allow yourself to receive. If you wish for something deep inside but you let your monkey mind tell you, you can't have it, well you won't have it! Do you see the dynamic here. You are in control of your mind as you can choose your thoughts! And that is your responsibility to do so and use whichever tools assist you in doing so.

Notice the omens, signs and messages from the 3D reality as they are plentiful, giving you clues on what is your next step. This is a time to develop and trust your intuition my Dear Ones as well as allowing the magic of life to flow through you. It is not about controlling your life but rather vibrating love and light from your Heart and Soul and letting that vibration be magnified and experienced within your reality. It is a subtle distinction and one of mastery. You are worth it and you deserve all the abundance and love from the Heart of Mother Goddess. Again, you must allow it and not let your shadow self trick you into a sense of powerlessness and victimhood. Forget about the past, be grateful for the experiences as they manifested in your life to teach you to love yourself, feel the optimism that your Soul is pouring into you at this time, letting you know the best is coming if only you can allow yourself to receive it. You can either let the waves ride you or ride the waves my Dear Ones. When you choose to ride the waves, you come from your empowered soul self which is alive, free, open, loving, creative and infinite! Love yourself enough to live the life you dream of! And so it is

I will be at Chalice Well doing the Goddess Earth Ascension Meditation, please join us to anchor the Light of the Goddess assisting our Galactic Ascension to the 5th Dimension of Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness <333

As Venus, the Goddess of Love is coming to conjunction with Jupiter on Wednesday’s Full Moon July 1st (12:51am PST), I do suggest my latest Pleiadian meditation "Twin Soul Reunion" as the Heavens are aligning to facilitate Twin Souls to reunite by by-passing lifetimes of separation, bringing them together as ONE in Soul Love. Twin Souls being the foundation of the Golden Age, the essence of the 5th dimension of Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness True Soul Love is in the Air my Dear Ones, all you need is to believe and let your Soul guide you back to your beloved. If you can imagine it, it is real, trust yourself
Download my latest channeled Pleiadian Meditation " Twin Soul Reunion":
I also suggest the “Pleiadian Ascension Oracle – Self-Mastery Ray”:
I am about ready to launch the Goddess Initiation Stargate, an online community where I will share more Goddess Wisdom with all of you, to assist you on your Ascension <333 you can sign up to my newsletter to receive more details or check my Facebook page
CHALICE WELL FULL MOON GODDESS CEREMONY July 1st: To receive a Goddess Crystal, Crystal Skull Ascension attuned to your Soul Purpose and blessed at Chalice Well, Glastonbury during the Full Moon Goddess Ceremony I will perform, kindly email gaia@gaiaearthstar.com
Read more about the Crystalline Ascension here:
I will also be activating Soul Purpose Chalice Essence as the Capricorn Full Moon's energies are assisting us to align with our unique Soul Mission
visit http://gaiaearthstar.com/gaiaearths…/…/soul-purpose-essence/ to receive yours.
For those of you who desire to receive their Soul Reading from Glastonbury, known as the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth, please kindly visit
www.gaiaearthstar.com/gaiaearthstar/services to schedule your soul reading
To schedule your private soul retreat in Sedona (Fall 2015) or Glastonbury (Summer 2015) kindly email contact@gaiaearthstar.com
You can see more details here:
Tune into your own astrological chart with “Wisdom of the Stars” Astrology series channeled course:
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel
and Spiritual Guide