ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 25. jūnijs

energetic upgrade - Jennifer Hoffman - The Solstice opened a new portal for us, complete with new levels of energy.

The strong radiation from the 3 different geomagnetic storms which combined to form one giant, 'perfect' storm is rewiring us, consider it an energetic upgrade. It may not feel very good right now, but it will last a few more days and then we'll be ready for the next one.

The Solstice opened a new portal for us, complete with new levels of energy. Now we have to integrate and align with them, which means getting re-wired so we can receive this new energy. I wish this process ...came with instructions too but we just have to play this one by ear.

 Many of you have noticed that you are doing a lot of astral work and travels, and each time you access different dimensions you bring their energy back with you, as you also create pathways for their energy to flow to the earth.

Remember we're energy containers and ascension involves bringing new energies to the earth so humanity can align with them. It's going to be busy the next few days and you may also see some anxiety and upset in the people around you.

 The process is hard enough for those who know what's going on, imagine what the people who have no idea of what's happening are feeling. Be patient with yourself and with them, this is a big energy shift and it is impacting everyone to varying degrees. Don't forget to breathe, taking a few focused, conscious breaths is a good way to ground yourself when you're feeling like your head may explode with all the pressure. This too shall pass, it always does.

 Jennifer Hoffman