sestdiena, 2015. gada 20. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Daily Planetary Dance, June 18th 2015

Moon in Cancer
The Moon Goddess came to a trine with Chiron, the wounded healer (7:24am PST) certainly rewarding us diving and honoring our emotional soul body. We are feeling that it feels amazing to feel! We are feeling what it is to be a precious human with our sensitives, vulnerabilities and rawness. The most inspiring stories are those where we can feel what the characters go through and it touches our Heart and Soul. You are the main actress/actor of your movie called life make it epic my Dear Ones, with Love as its seed.

The trine to Saturn now retrograde in Scorpio (10:52pm PST) will empower us to strengthen what I call our emotional intelligence. Feeling does not mean the other is to blame or needs to change. Of course, we all are invited to grow through our life experiences but it is always one's free will. What we have control over is our responsibility to learn and grow in love. This energy is very empowering for emotional soul truth. The most intimate relationship you can have is with your Soul. The other, in an intimate relationship act as a mirror of your Soul. With this energy, it will be time to share your deepest soul truth with yourself and/or your beloved one. Many twin souls are reuniting my Dear Ones and many are being prepared for reunion and only a foundation of emotional soul truth which grows into self-unconditional love will allow for that reunion. The main experience and message from Mother Goddess of my stay in Peru has been to love oneself unconditionally. We often project unto the other, expect things that are unrealistic and this is human, but in those times of Ascension and Soul awakening we are to realize and more than that, experience within oneself our infinite potential to love, thus releasing any self-defeating patterns of dependence. It is about conscious inter-relation. This a mature Love my Dear Ones where our self-sabotaging patterns must be transmuted into Unconditional Self-Love. Twin Soul Love is hard work but it is so rewarding! Saturn is truly empowering us to stand in our power to Love without attachment. Love sets you and the other free!

Love Thy Self. You are home🌹
As Solstice approaches, one of the most powerfully spiritual day of the year, I would like to suggest for those of you who choose to receive the Solstice energy through meditation, the "Golden Buddha Pleiadian Meditation: Galactic Sun & Earth Star Chakra Transmission. I will do this Meditation on the day of Solstice at 6am, a little before Sunrise which is about 6:09am Peru Time.
I suggest you do it at your Sunrise Local Time or join me at Peru time.

 I will be doing Goddess Ceremony at a Sacred Incas Site in the early morning, attuning some more Goddess Tibetan Quartz as well. If you would like to receive yours attune to your Soul Purpose please kindly email I will fly later on the day of Solstice to my beloved England, first Avebury and then Glastonbury. I will also start attuning Soul crystals and crystals Skulls, at Chalice Well, for those who have been requesting crystal skulls since I left Sedona, you can now email me to receive yours <333…/galactic-sun-earth-star-chakra-…/