svētdiena, 2015. gada 14. jūnijs

Raise Your Vibration

As our soul continues to ascend in consciousness, we will often times go through brief periods of profound soul healing and karmic energy release. This can throw the ego self into periods of doubt, depression, anxiety, lethargy and overwhelm because our mental mind oftentimes takes over making us feel something is wrong, and we must have fallen off track with our spiritual alignment. However, these drastic shifts need to take place within our being. As more light is integrated, the light will shine down on the darkness within so it can be seen, felt and finally released. It is a process of soul alchemy where we take our darkness (stored pain, distorted beliefs, karmic energetic blocks) and turn them into the golden light of higher consciousness.

However, make sure you don't get "stuck" in these energies and become attached to this low vibrational state. We need to set our intention to learn from, heal and release these painful distorted energies from our system. We can do this by fully feeling our feelings as they arise within our being so they have the freedom to "move" through our system so they can be released. If we don't allow ourselves the time to "feel" them, so they can be emoted (energy in motion) we contract our energy and create an energetic block that we will have to deal with later.

Meditation and Visualization exercises such as the "Bringing In The Light" Meditation and the "Emotional Release" Meditation found in the "Raise Your Vibration" Book will also help you consciously release the distorted energies that are arising. In addition, EXERCISE is a powerful way to increase energy flow in the energy fields that will help us dislodge stuck, stubborn energies. I suggest a fast passed walk in nature. The intensity of the walk, combined with active movement of the hands and feet actually clear and help balance the energy fields. In addition, you will receive a healthy dose of crystalline light from the sun which will help you clear any residual mucous in the aura. During your walk, I also suggest you set your intention to release any stored feelings or emotions you are having that you feel are holding you back from your joy. Utilize your power walk to talk to The Creator about your pain and ask for assistance in releasing it. You can even state the Violet Flame mantra while you walk, visualizing the fire transmuting everything that does not serve your highest and best good.

"I am a being of the violet fire, I am the purity God desires."

As you exercise, your blood begins to flow at an accelerated rate and it helps to create a faster energetic flow in the energy bodies, which will dislodge old stubborn blocks! Get Moving and combine other spiritual techniques into your exercise program! In addition, if you find your self in a healing crisis, see an energy healer such as a reiki, pranic, or DNA Theta healer. Be proactive in the movement of your stored darkness (lead)....otherwise these energies will weigh you down.
As you continue to ascend in consciousness... one energetic layer at a time will come up to be cleared. Be extra kind to your self during this process and engage in activities that bring you JOY! Be proactive in seeking out your joy....Swimming, golfing, yoga, reading a good book, buying your self something special, playing with your children or pets, creating art, taking a hot salt bath, getting a massage, making your favorite meal. Give your self a break and do something just for you! Find your joy.....and if you don't know what will bring you joy, you need to meditate on JOY and figure it out. You are the creator of your life experience so if you don't know what will bring you will not be able to find it. Figure out what it is you want and go for it. Put energy towards your joy and happiness....get moving, do something fun.

The negative energies that come up need to be transcended; be careful not to become attached to your pain. Let it go! The negativity you may experience is coming up for final releasement ~ you no longer need to experience it. Allow yourself to FEEL your pain... but don't hold onto it. Take the medicine, (LESSON) but leave the pain behind. Give your self a specific amount of time to delve deep into the pain, and then set your intention to release it through one of the means above.
For further guidance on how to get in touch with your feelings, how to meditate/visualize and for greater support on your ascension journey ~ you may be interested in the "Raise Your Vibration" book. Click the link below for more information: