piektdiena, 2015. gada 12. jūnijs

Mercury turn direct

Beloved Ones,

 Mercury will turn direct tomorrow and we pass from taking some time to review our life from a mental Plane, to do the same but from an emotional and intuitive one with Neptune retrograde in Pisces as well as with Saturn retrograde in Scorpio. If we mediate upon our new ideas, visions and desires during Mercury retrograde, now with Neptune retrograde, we are invited to embrace our most profound feelings, immersing ourselves into the ocean of our subconscious, clearing our emotional body of the old and discerning if our feelings are coming from a higher place of love, compassion and integrity towards the self and others or if we are still basing our desires on primary and egoic emotions that do not serve the Whole.

 This does not mean we should stop creating and manifesting our inner desires at this time, as Neptune energy also gives us creativity and the gift to expand our intuitive abilities, we can simply choose to balance both energies and act only when we receive the clear guidance we required to create our new visions in the physical.

 Remember that everything has its perfect timing within Creation and that it is only through inner contemplation and Divine trust that we can give birth to the desires that are aligned with our soul and that are meant to occur at this precise moment within our unique ascension journey. It is all about the perfect dance between moving inward to obtain a clear sight of that which we truly desire to manifest and start taking the necessary steps to give birth to our soul desires at the right time!

 With love and blessings,
 Natalia Alba
