trešdiena, 2015. gada 17. jūnijs

Gaia Earth Star Gemini New Moon June 16th 2015, 7:05am PST

Moon in Gemini
Wishing you a blessed Gemini New Moon my Dear Ones! Watch out as your Dualistic Mind could be acting as a monkey-mind today as it realizes it is not in control...we are still dealing at this New Moon with the ripples of Mercury retrograde as the Moon came to a square with Chiron, the wounded healer, in Pisces (12:40am PST) and we will have the final square from Mercury to Neptune next Tuesday. Our patience and faith is definitely tested my Dear Ones. Again, Victory is near. Trust that great blessings are coming your way as they are and you can feel it in your Heart and Soul. You can feel that you are protected, divinely guided and unconditionally loved. We might not know yet the way forward but we can use this time to assist our 3D mind to relax, to surrender and trust. Those who lives happy lives are those who can master their Mind!

 This is a great day or should I say week, to meditate, do yoga, listen to the gong, contemplate in nature; being with Mother Gaia will prove to heighten our creativity and go with the flow as well as staying grounded within what can seem at times to be chaos. Anything that is soothing to your Soul will be of great assistance.

 With Mars, conjunct this New Moon, it is a potent energy to use as a purification of the Mind through the breath and/or guided meditations, which will assist you to use the power of your imagination. We must re-train our 3D limited mind my Dear Ones to merge with our Infinite Consciousness where infinite possibilities lies as well as your true power as a Co-Creator! Life is not happening to you, but for YOU! It is what you make of it, that will determine your experience.

The Galactic Center of our Universe, a Portal to the Heart of Mother Goddess, will be open today as the Moon Goddess come to opposition with it, so hold your Soul and Heart Vision, believe in it, feel the way it feel to manifest it in this 3D and surrender the rest. We are reminded at this New Moon that we must remain humble and at the same time own our power as co-creators. The power of manifestation lies within your Soul and what your ego-mind-prison or sense of limited self might have in mind is not necessarily what your Soul intend for you...this is where you can see a gap in your life.

Collectively, our Soul is taking charge and it started on December 21st 2012, when the Galactic Center came to conjunction with Mother Gaia and her Ascension started. Many of you have had their lives changed drastically, as the Soul Self took over and I am one of them as well. We are empowered to re-align with our true essence which is of Light and Love and become a Beacon of Light, sharing Soul Wisdom to those who are open to receive and rise to their Soul Purpose.

Today is a powerful day to align with your true Soul and Heart's desires, with your Dream which you know is what you came here to gift Mother Gaia and all of her children, in this dimension and beyond. Remember, Light travels. Dare to believe in your dream my Dear Ones as this is the seed for manifestation. You do not need to know how, where and all the rest of it, you just need to believe in that vision and commit to it. Without commitment as Saturn likes to reminds us, nothing happens!
Ask yourself: if I could, what would I do which will truly bring me happiness and fulfillment? That, is your Soul Purpose. Forget about all the excuses your mind can come up with to keep you in the old paradigm of fear and limitations. You are unlimited potential, and it is your responsibility my Dear One to commit to aligning with that creative potential, so your Soul can shine and bless all. This will give you passion as what is passion but a love for Life!

New Moon Affirmation: I AM a powerful co-creator, I AM pure consciousness, I AM infinite possibilities, I AM all that there is and ever will be, I AM divinely guided, supported and loved, and so it is! (Write down your intentions, speak them up and let magic begin...)