ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 21. maijs

Victim energy tells you that life happens TO you and not FOR you.

Victim energy is the most important energy to let go of. Victim energy tells you that life happens TO you and not FOR you.

Being in the victim mindset you open up to the PERCEPTION of being betrayed, hurt, ridiculed, rejected and so forth. All happens for you to see the underlying gift of Awareness. Things that you perceive are done to you are actually showing you that you still hold victim energy within and you will continue to manifest things being done TO you until you get... the deeper message.
You needn't be hurt, beat up, or abused to be a victim; victim energy is any time you give your Power away to another, to a circumstance, a job, a boss or even to someone whom you think has your answers. You are much more than that. You are a victor; you are a creator. What do you choose to create? Remember, the Power is yours; it is not in someone else's hands. When you firmly stand in your Power, you will choose to say, "No more!" You alone choose what is all right to accept and what you are no more willing to accept. This is the beginning of letting go of victim energy.

Victim energy is separate ego's way to keep you small. Being truly sensitive is to have an open Heart. One does not take anything personally when they are of the Heart; only separate ego takes things personally and then blames another for what they have created themselves through their deeper belief of victimhood. Having an open Heart does not mean that you must put up with abuse of any kind. The open Heart knows when to say yes and when to say no. And then it goes deeper into the underlying belief of what is creating the outer experience and perception that one is abused or treated with no respect. All is within you; take Responsibility for all in your life and then when you truly know you alone create your experience, you rise in Freedom and Love.