Beloved Ones,
we are facing a very powerful energetic shift as the sun semisquares Uranus in Aries, while Mercury also align with the Planet of Change and Rebellion, functioning as a bridge for us to bring into oneness the lower and higher aspects of ourselves. Uranus rules our nervous system and we may be experiencing anxiety, stress, heart pressure and any other sensation that gives us the message that we still have blocks buried deep within our core that need to be release...d. Every uncomfortable feeling that we have is always due to a lack of alignment. When what we do is not totally aligned with our true feelings, thoughts and soul desires, our inner being sends us the message through different physical and inner sensations that it is time to act with integrity and from a higher perspective and leave our limited old one behind. We can break free from our cocoon, letting the light heals our wounds, or we can resist and make it longer, what we state, the universe will deliver, that is how powerful we are.
At this time, old feelings and relationships as well as other situations from our past could emerge again. Stay centered in your heart, all is happening so you can have another opportunity to get rid of the old and release the stagnant energy that is causing all the physical misalignments that you are feeling. Just take the time to ponder about the things you should shift instead of fomenting the victim role of why all this is happening to you. Become the witness of your own life experience, all challenges are gifts for us to keep dissolving our linear perception of how things should be and realize what is behind our human veils.
Remember who you are, embrace your Divine Power and act according to the Divine Spark that you are and that shifts and creates worlds when necessary. Accept where you are, welcome this moment as it Is and all will change as you do so first from within, remember that what we see is always a manifestation of what is taking place within ourselves, the outer is just mirroring us.
Love and blessings,
Natalia Alba