ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 21. maijs

**Distraction & Creating Static**

**Distraction & Creating Static**
One of main reasons we fall into the trap of ego/mind on the way of ascension is to compare ourselves with other people. It loves to focus on the outside and how we look in others eyes. This is a great distraction for our inner spiritual work. Of course, you will face this dilemma when you are releasing the "victim"consciousness feeling you need to put yourself out there, you should love yourself more and never be afraid of presenting your talents, etc. Some of us take this to a different level and loose themselves with "only" focusing on others and in the name of saving others they go to a more "victimized" patterns without realizing that we have to focus on ourselves and go deeper within detaching from the roles and labels that our mind loves to keep us stuck with.

 Many people share their work and so worry about their name being out there without realizing the inner work and only focusing on their outlook where they stand in life and what they do is who really they are. They start to label their true being with the thoughts of others of them and what they do for them. After they receive some attention, they start to fall into the trap of mind; "comparing", "labeling", seeing themselves and constantly needing as a stimulation from others to keep themselves stuck in the whirlpool of that frequency. This is the distraction and the static on the way of learning your spiritual lessons. Without mastering the detaching on any level, trying to keep a name out there will only make you busy with what you need to keep yourself for the sake of others. And others will be there and see you, but they will also be your fuel to drive your energy but what you will miss to focus on "what keeps you within that wants to be heard, wants to be known, wants others attention?". In reality what they think and the way they see you is coming from that inner feeling "what they think about me is who I am" circle and it will hinder your light coming through because you will be busy on the frequency of "focusing and driving your energy by outside" factor. Until you focus on your mastery of staying neutral and recognizing the every micro detail around you as your lessons; these type of "keeping yourself out there and worrying about it" will keep you stuck in the mind as well as in the lower frequency. You can share what you know and what you love as well as what has worked for you on the way of ascension, either with an art piece, a website, or a painting...but the balance between staying neutral and recognizing where you are spiritually should be more important then how you look in others eyes and what you share.

 Examine within yourself that what keeps you constantly focused on others. Ask yourself "why do you want to be heard? why do you care about what others think about you?...Do you need their validation?, Do you need their attention? If your answer is "I want to help them?" then ask yourself again, "are you here for them and you don't trust Universe that we are all here for evolving our soul and facing our challenges on our own?...Do you want to interfere with their spiritual growth by sacrificing yourself? How do you feel when you're in the center of your zero-point within where nothingness brings you into the now moment and take you unto a different level of consciousness? 

 Go within and take a moment to realize what it's within is without. What you feel inside will project as an outside event. Your lessons, your fans, your followers are there to teach you something...not make you or keep you on the superior level. See, what it is that makes you want to save them...do you want to be a hero? Do you require that exclusiveness? Do you crave that need? ...These will bring out the inner child and will show you how much you are carrying the old patterns of victim and powerlessness consciousness. Go deeper within to see where you hold your energy and how you see and keep yourself in the static where you can receive more light to achieve mastery. Mind will always challenge you but until you master it. Find out what you inner happiness driven by. Is it from outside or is it from the inside?

 More Later wink emoticon ...
heart emoticon heart emoticon

 Much Love,