Moon enters Aquarius
We will start the day with Mercury in Gemini, now in shadow before its retrograde, in a square to Neptune in Pisces (9:08am PST) where we will be challenged to not separate through the word. Remember, everyone is having their own unique experience through their own unique perception. No one else sees this reality as you do and when we are not in alignment with our Soul Self, this can create separation. Keep your mind in check and vibrate at the Soul level where all is One. It is part of the learning process of Ascension my Dear Ones. In this world but not of this world. Embrace your multi-dimensionality and meet all within the Heart and Soul space.
The Moon Goddess still in Capricorn will trine Mars in Taurus (1:35pm PST) giving us the commitment and discernment to avoid those "spiritual" traps which still spring from our separated 3D self. A very potent energy for breakthrough through meditation and contemplation. Meditation is about being aware my Dear Ones and awareness is of every moment. Look within. Observe your mind.
The Moon Goddess will enter Aquarius (4:22pm PST) and sextile Saturn in Sagittarius (8:52pm PST) empowering us to develop our multi-dimensional awareness. I know most of you understand this 3D, time-space as the Incas called it, is only one layer; this energy will give us an opportunity to develop our multi-dimensional awareness, going beyond the limitations of that limited and separating 3D mind. Whatever you are experiencing on the 3D level has its root on a Soul Level my Dear Ones which is why the key is to go within. The 3D is only a reflection of your consciousness. Raise your consciousness and your reality will transform. Or are you still trying to change the "outside" reality? Do you realize that all springs, is created from your consciousness? Can you feel the empowerment from this spiritual truth my Dear Ones? You can change your reality at will through your perception. What you wish to see you shall see. See with the eyes of the Soul. We are powerful co-creator of Mother Goddess and we are at a time where we are becoming conscious about it. Taking responsibility for what we create, with unconditional self-love is the first step to self-mastery and our individual thus collective liberation!
Watch my Sirian Scorpio Full Moon Video Forecast "Remembering True Love"…/sirian-scorpio-full-moon-rememb…/